Are there stickers for people who married closely connected family?

+8 votes

Is there a sticker or stickers that can be used for these types of situations:  First cousins that married; siblings that married siblings (each other’s not their own – wink); or people who married their brother- or sister-in-law?  Perhaps there exists one sticker that may be modified for the particular relationship?

Thank You for all who create stickers.  They make biographies so much more visually interesting and highlight important facts.

in Policy and Style by Pamela Belanger G2G6 Mach 2 (23.6k points)
edited by Pamela Belanger

3 Answers

+6 votes
Best answer
I just use an image and add appropriate comments.  The image link can also be made to open the Wikitree relationship finder to show the full relationship.  See as an example.  I was using the Relationship sticker as well, but have removed that from all my profiles.

p.s. I do use only for 1st, 2nd and 3rd cousins in marriages, and have a separate image for each.
by Living Rayner G2G6 Mach 1 (19.8k points)
selected by Pamela Belanger
Craig: Thank You!  For your time in responding and sharing your expertise. I love this!  More than I was hoping for!  Great graphic; and functionality  . . . opening into relationship finder. The sticker will make the biographies so much more visually interesting; and reduce the verbiage explaining the connection. I'm really excited to try it out! Pam

Thanks Pamela,  See My Images Page for the various images that I use, with how to use them.

Saved That! Thank YOU!!
+12 votes
by Rob Pavey G2G6 Pilot (287k points)
Thank You, Rob, for taking the time to respond. You were a great help! I've checked out the categories. I had no idea these categories existed. (I've edited my original message to add the categorization tag.) If you're willing to help further . . . do you know how I find out what the goal is for those particular categories; or where I would go to look for existing categories? Is there a help link or video I've missed?  I'm used to seeing categories related to name, project, place, event, publication, etc.  Thanks again, Pam
If you click the parent categories, you get to this one:

Their use is optional but is available because some WikiTreers find it helpful or interesting in their research. The my connections link in the category page can show you your connections to profiles tagged with the category.

As far as I know, no projects use these categories.
Hi Pamela, I am not a big user of categories, so not an expert. This is how I found those:

In edit mode on a profile there is a row of icons above the big text box where the bio is. Click on the one that looks like a hierarchical list. Then start typing. I just typed "cousin" and saw that there was one for cousin marriage.

Then I wanted to know more about it. So I went to the "Find" menu at the very top of the wikitree page and selected categories. This takes to to the top level page for categories, which wasn't much help, but there is a link right near the top that says "Category Search". I clicked on that, which takes you to a Google Search box. I typed "cousin marriage" and clicked the search button. Ignore the couple of ads that come up, the next two results are the two categories that I mentioned in my answer.

If you click on the links to the categories it should explain the purpose/intent of the category at the top. I'm not sure how to find out more - like whether there are projects making use of them.

Thank you your explanation was very helpful; and your directions clear. I found the my connections list!

Thank you Rob: I've used categories some, but didn't think of approaching the search in this manner. Always something more to learn.  Pam

siblings marrying siblings, use the Category:Double In Law Marriages , just remember to put it on all the concerned sibs, sometimes it gets a bit wild when you have 3 sibs marrying 3 sibs.  laugh

Wow!! Danielle, Not had that one yet.surprise

+6 votes

You could use the Relationship Sticker - see [[Space: Relationship Stickers]] & [[Template: Relationship Sticker]].

Turns out I'm related to my second husband & I used the Relationship Sticker to create the following sticker for my profile page.


{{Relationship Sticker|image=WikiTree_Images-30.png |name=her husband (!)|id=Lavallee-92}}

We're 11th cousins, once removed, according to WikiTree.One of the examples given on the Relationship Stickers space page includes the relationship (the relationship link won't work in this example - you have to save the sticker to a profile page to have the link work).

{{Relationship Sticker
|relationship=12th cousin, twice removed
|name=Queen Elizabeth II

by Liz Shifflett G2G6 Pilot (696k points)

Oh! I just remembered that the Relationship Sticker is only for the profiles of active WikiTree members (you can tell because of "Timeframe: 2008 -" in the Info box on the template page).

Perhaps a Descendant sticker?

Descendant of Mathurine Robin - as is her husband.


|id=[[Robin-180|Mathurine Robin]] - as is [[Lavallee-92|her husband]]}}

the coding gets tricky, but you could also add text giving the relationship with a link to the RF trail. Modifying the example on - "|id=[[Carr-5546|William Carr]]. Stuart is a [ 5th Generation Texan]"

Descendant of Sarah (Awbrey) Noland - as is his wife (they're 2nd cousins).

|id=[[Awbrey-34|Sarah (Awbrey) Noland]] - as is his [[Tigner-3|wife]] ([ they're 2nd cousins])

Thanks, Liz!  Maybe you can add it to the bottom of "wish list."  Guessing you get a lot "wish requests" from folkswinklaugh Thanks for all you do!heart

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