Square dancer category requested

+5 votes
I do not find a category for "square dancer."  Could someone please create such a category?
in Policy and Style by Dennis Burman G2G6 Mach 2 (26.3k points)
retagged by Ellen Smith

From a quick look through some of the profiles in the Dance category, they appear to have been professional dancers.  Not sure this would fit as a parent, we seldom have categories for hobbies and such.  

Another possible option would be to have them in square dancing clubs , which would have the advantage of eventually grouping them geographically.

Danielle, I appreciate all your thoughts.  I wouldn't think that having a myriad of square dance club categories would be the way to go, but in some sense I guess it wouldn't be much different from having a zillion cemetery categories.  One category seems easier to me, but if I can somehow show this it wouldn't matter to me how it is done.

Danielle and Dennis, indeed I was unsure about the professional aspect of Category: Dance.

Hobbies might actually be a good fit. Category: Hobbies includes 22 subcategories at present. Some are for group forms of entertainment roughly parallel to square dancing, e.g. for Bridge Players or Choir Singers.

Jim, thanks for finding out about hobbies.  I also think that that would be a good fit.  Also, I appreciate your mentioning bridge players as I wasn't aware of that either.
So, as a very basic question, in the overall scheme of things, who actually at WikiTree creates and/or gives their approval to new categories?

Dennis, the Categorization Project has overall responsibility. But many people create new categories all the time. People in the Project should see your question because of the tag you have placed on it.

If you wait a couple of days and there are no objections, you could create the category yourself. See Adding New Categories, which says:

If you would like to use a category but can't find it by searching or browsing click the "request a new category or advice" link that you will see next to the Edit Text box on the edit page of any profile.

Members can create new categories if they fit within an existing hierarchy and use our agreed-upon category naming scheme but if you have any uncertainty, use the link to start a conversation in G2G and you're sure to get help from Categorization Project members and other advanced WikiTreers.

You will already have had the conversation in G2G!

Thanks, Jim, for enlightening me.  When it comes to WikiTree there is SO MUCH to take in.  Lots of things waiting to be discovered under the hood.
Nice catch there Jim, hadn't seen the hobbies one.  Seems like the perfect fit.

It might be interesting to note that Square Dance Caller is an occupation (they get paid).  Perhaps not all of them, but a number do it as a job.

Melanie, the callers here do it as part of their job as musicians mainly.

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