Creating Byrd Cemetery in Orangburg County, South Carolina

+3 votes
Would someone please create a category for the Byrd Cemetery in Branchville, South Carolina? Thank you so much!

Byrd Cemetery in Branchville, Orangeburg, South Carolina (FindAGrave Cemetery #69683)
WikiTree profile: Nathaniel Byrd
in Policy and Style by Carol Essick G2G6 (7.6k points)
recategorized by Carol Essick

Hi Carol. It will help to draw the attention of people who can assist if you can please edit your question and add the tags

 categorization    cemetery x georgia x south_carolina 

(separated by spaces, not underscores except in south_carolina) in the Surnames/Tags box.

Thank you, Jim, for your help! The G2G part of WikiTree is still very new to me. I believe I now understand what you were suggesting. I simplified and resubmitted my question with the tags. Hopefully, I will get results!
You're welcome, Carol! Sorry I didn't notice this before, but it might also help to attract attention to your question if you edit it again and change the question category from "WikiTree Help" to "Policy and Style" where (for some reason) most category requests are placed.

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