Problem with new system for creating profiles

+4 votes
I'm using the new system and very much like it; however, I have 2 issues with it.

1.  I'm forced to login to WT after each new profile I create (apps login), then login to RootsSearch with the new profile ID.

2. Navigate to Home Page goes to Scratch Pad. I don't want scratch pad, I want my Home Page.
WikiTree profile: Jo Gill
in The Tree House by Jo Gill G2G6 Pilot (189k points)
retagged by Jamie Nelson

What was your starter page before this?  (I set mine to my profile, so if I started landing somewhere else it'd be a bug.)

Thanks Melanie, I'll check it.

Also - are you getting the constant login?
I've tried 3 options for navigate to - I land on Scratch Pad with all of them.
No, I'm not getting a constant login request, but I use the original profile creation page.  I also don't have the extension (or BEE), just Sourcer and AGC (which apparently is going away soon).

I'm on a windows 11 device using Edge browser and also Opera browser.
As Gaile mentions below, on your Settings page, scroll down almost to bottom and there is a box with options for what you would like to see when you go to the Home Page and there you can eliminate the Scratch Pad

As to the repeated login requirement, I'm still using the old familiar system for creating profiles so am not experiencing that problem.

2 Answers

+3 votes
The Scratch Pad is located on your Home Navigation Page.
by Ros Haywood G2G Astronaut (2.3m points)

Jo: Go to your Settings and scroll right down until you see the Navigation Home Page section (it's underneath the 'Starting Page' section), and you will see:

Navigation Home Page

Your Navigation Home Page can include any of the following sections. Select what you want to see.

As part of that section, you will see 




Make sure the checkbox is checked against 'Scratch Pad'.  This will only appear on your Navigation Home Page - nowhere else.

Ros, The text on 'Starting Page': "You can opt to start at the main WikiTree home page, G2G home page, your profile, your G2G profile, or your Watchlist instead." There are 6 spin box options:  Navigation Home Page, WT Home Page, My Profile, My Watchlist, G2G Home Page, My G2G Profile.

I have tried 5 of the 6 options, all land on My WikiTree: Navigation Home Page.  

Before I started the Beta Test version of adding profiles, I landed on with my picture and pretty background.  

Scroll down PAST the 'Starting Page' section.  Then you will find the 'Navigation Home Page' section as I described above.

When you described your page as having a 'pretty background', that gave me the clue that you are NOT referring to your Nav Home Page, but your Profile page.  In the settings for 'Starting Page', click on 'Your Profile'.  If it still does not work, it may be that the beta version of new-profile-creation is messing things up.  Go back to it and unclick your desire to use it in beta.

Ros, I did just that - 3 times, it lands on My WT: Nav Home Page. It shows Scratch Pad when I tic the appropriate box in Settings; untic the box and Scratch Pad is gone.  So that works, but landing on my profile does not happen no matter which option is selected.

I unclicked Beta, but it does not prevent the repeated logins.
Perhaps  you need to log right out of WikiTree, log back in and see what happens.
Tried it.
Jo, indeed you should choose the option "My Profile" from the spin box.

But you report that it does not work. Also, you have to keep logging in.

This suggests that your browser is not saving cookies, or forgetting them.

What browser are you using?

Are you sure you are not using "incognito" or "private" tabs? That would cause cookies to disappear.
I use Google Chrome, which has always worked.  I had not problems until I started the Beta version for New Profiles. I'll check cookie settings.  Some Windows updates "help" by changing settings.

Edit: Reset to allow all cookies.
Jim, we were right - Bad Cookies!  I fixed them and now I still need to get my settings to work.  But I can deal with it.

Again, Thank You.
Great, Jo! I'm glad it's working out.
+1 vote
Hi Jo,

I see that you were having a cookie issue (which may be resolved?). Were you asked to login while you were adding a profile, or just when you were trying to search for records using RootsSearch?
by Jamie Nelson G2G6 Pilot (709k points)
Jamie, both - but the issue is resolved - see Jim Richardson's comment.

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