I am working on a situation where a couple were married and divorced once before then marrying and divorcing a second time. I already have their second marriage recorded on their profiles. When attempting to add the earlier marriage, WikiTree disallows the update because a marriage between these two people has already been recorded. How do I resolve this data entry situation?
I have found no marriages to other people in the interim. In fact, the gap was only three months. I suppose that I can just have a single marriage, with the start date from the first marriage and the end date from the second marriage. While it would not be completely accurate, it would not do much harm in this particular instance.
I know of another person who was married to the same person twice, with a different spouse between those two. In that case, it would be important to list two distinct marriages instead of a single longer one. This may be a potential for improvement in WikiTree profile management unless I am missing a resolution method that already exists.