Confederate KIA Info

+6 votes
Working on my husband's tree and one of his ancestor's was in the Confederate Army, William T. Clark, enlisted 1 May 1861; Mustered 1 May 1861 at Mississippi. His Regiment State/Origin was Mississippi, Regiment: 19th Regiment, Mississippi Infantry, Company: K. His Rank was Private. The Muster Rolls of the 19th Regiment indicated that William was in Company K, Jake Thompson Guards (raised in Itawamba & Tishomingo Counties, MS.)  I have sources for both.  Back in 2020, someone added that he was KIA 27 Jun 1862, Battle of Beaver Dam Creek, Richmond, Virginia.  But there was no source for this and I cannot find any sources, Military or otherwise, that he was KIA.  I've searched everything on the Company and the Battle itself, but nothing listed KIA's.  Any suggestions where to look? TIA
WikiTree profile: William Clark
in The Tree House by Sjana Lee Bauer G2G6 Mach 3 (36.3k points)
Any indication this info was from a memorial or hand me down genealogy

2 Answers

+6 votes
Best answer
I looked on Fold3 and did not find his military records there.

I looked again. Found his file this time. Have some service information. Does not mention killed in action. Says discharge private (no discharge date).

 Gives birth 1834. Enlisted: May 1, 1861, private, 19th Regiment Infantry, enlisted at Baldwyn, Mississippi.

That is what is in his Fold3 file. I can put that on his profile and note the source if you wish.
by Norman Jones G2G6 Pilot (203k points)
selected by Sjana Lee Bauer
That would be wonderful..thank you so very much!!
I added what the Fold3 records had to his profile. I had already added the link in the sources so I could find the record again if needed.
Thank you, yes!  That is great. The link is behind a pay wall and I couldn't view it, so I was a little confused.  Great to have the source link there!
+5 votes

Sjana, that someone who added:

William died on 27 Jun 1862 in Battle of Beaver Dam Creek, Richmond, Virginia aged 30

was you.  If you click the Changes tab on William's profile, you can see who made what changes and when.

by Gaile Connolly G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
That was not my question, but thank you :)  

My question is where would I find KIA's for the Confederate Army, from this Unit...or simply find KIAs for the Confederate Army.  Thanks in advance for you help!

(If you look further down, it says that someone else ~I don't want to say the name~ made the change on 10 July 2020 at 15:14 and they edited the Birth Place and Death Place.)

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