new Barbados heritage sticker and project page please [closed]

+12 votes
Could we please have a Barbados project page and heritage sticker?

Perhaps someone could work on adding stickers for all the Caribbean islands? Many thanks!
closed with the note: project page and sticker created
in WikiTree Help by D Grosvenor G2G6 Mach 5 (59.2k points)
closed by D Grosvenor

1 Answer

+11 votes
Best answer
Hi D. I was actually going to send you a message to ask about this after seeing some of your work. I'm a project leader that covers these countries in the Global Black Heritage Project. I'll get on this right now and send you a message about additional countries.
by Emma MacBeath G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
selected by Porter Fann

Thank you Emma, that's great! I've been travelling today so I will reply to your message very soon smiley

hello Emma, my paternal line is Barbadian so I would love to be part of the Global Project adding stickers and categories whenever I come across Caribbean profiles smileyI've filled out my bio a little to show you what I am currently working on - it is multi-project (Great War/Cemeteries) relating to the West Indian contribution and starting with creating profiles/cemeteries for men buried mainly in Jamaica & Barbados. As per your request, stickers for Trinidad and Antigua would be my next priority. Thanks for reaching out!

Thank you Emma.  My great grandmother is [Roach-496], Claudia Sophia and was swept away by my GG George [Fricker-33].  When I was looking into her ancestry last year I found it difficult.  The Global Black Heritage Project helps me tie into my ancestors from the Caribbean.  Their first son was born in Jamaica and then they travelled around the world with the Duke of Wellington's Regiment.  My grandmother was born in Rangoon, British India at that time in 1901.  I am fortunate to have some original family photographs and documents to share with WikiTree.

Hi D and all, I apologize for taking so long to create this sticker. Long story short, I had to learn a new way to make a combination sticker. The same process will be used for future stickers so we don't have a million different sticker pages.

For people born in Barbados, use {{Barbados Sticker}}

For people with Barbadian ancestors, use 

{{Barbados Sticker|Ancestry}}

Fantastic! Thank you Emma yes

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