How do I get help with a major brick wall?

+8 votes

I have posed this question in different ways on here with no real help. How do I get help with this?

I have searched and searched. Read every document I could find, gone to every website I know of to trace this root. Emailed people who might have information but sadly there is no response from them. And oddly enough there are literally thousands of genealogy pages out there with the incorrect information about this particular lineage. How do I get help with this line?

Gray-25083 Lydia Ann Gray IS NOT THE DAUGHTER OF Stewart-216- Mary Stewart as linked on every page I have researched. 

Is Lydia Gray really the mother of Gray-3234 Jean (Gray) Cargill? Lydia Gray is listed as the husband of Gray-1975- Lord Andrew Gray with Jean as their daughter but I don't believe that to be true either. 

Profiles here just repeat misinformation, nothing is proven. Please help.

WikiTree profile: Lydia Gray
in Genealogy Help by Stephanie Alakas G2G5 (5.2k points)
retagged by Doug McCallum
Edited to add scotland tag

3 Answers

+11 votes
Best answer
Just to clarify, are you looking for help in fixing the mistakes on WikiTree or help discovering the correct lineage?  The latter could be a challenge, but as for the former - it looks like both profiles are open so you could disconnect the unproven relationships yourself and add Research Notes explaining why you did so.  If you've already made those changes and someone has reversed them without adding evidence, and if you are not getting cooperation from the Profile Manager, then WikiTree has processes to follow.  Just click on the "Problems/Questions" button across from the Profile Manager's name and it explains the processes in place for correcting information or getting mediation if needed.
by Roxanna Malone G2G6 Mach 3 (34.7k points)
selected by Daniel Bly
Hi Roxanna, thank you for your response. I have contacted and discussed this many times with each profile manager but feel uncomfortable changing it myself unless I can document it with proof.

My real goal though is to try and solve this lineage and don't know how I can receive some help. I've been working on this for 2 years.
Sometimes, lack of proof is the best you can get.  It sounds like you've made a really good effort to figure out her real heritage, and while you haven't been able to do that (yet), it looks like you've got a strong case that there is no evidence for the connections shown.  If it were me, I'd just make the changes and write it all in notes.  But then, it does sound like you're up against more than just one bad profile if the false info is all over the internet. I wish I had ideas for you on where to turn for help on this but it sounds like you've already tried everything I could suggest.  Good luck to you!
Create a Research Notes section on the affected profiles with all the documentation that you have, including Reliable sources.  The Scotland project, like many others, have a long list of profiles and families that they are trying to review and verify. Make sure to include the Tildes, so people know who added it and can contact you.
+7 votes

As you have seen, there are problems with her profile and that of her purported husband. The Scot's Peerage (Balfour Paul) doesn't list a daughter Lydia for her attached parents. Her "husband's" profile is difficult to read through and has issues. There doesn't appear to be an Andrew, Lord Gray who died about 1635. The 7th Lord Gray dies about 1663. He could have been a cousin of some sort. In any case, none of the sources provided support this. Of course, I haven't spent much time on this. 

Hopefully someone will have the time to help sort this out with you.

by Doug McCallum G2G6 Pilot (576k points)
I know it's a mess right????

Literally, all the ancestry sites have this mistake duplicated thousands of times. So frustrating!

And because the sites try and link her to royalty, I think it's important to correct. All the sites have King James V as her great grandfather.

Have to have that Royal line or Indian Princess.smiley

I agree that it is important to correct errors. Ancestry trees are pretty much a lost cause. You can almost never get someone to make corrections. Here (Wikitree) it can be done.  It may be a while before someone can spend time with her. In the meantime, you should document her supposed parents to the extent possible (you may already have done this) using what the Scotland Project considers reliable sources (see Scotland Project Reliable Sources).

+6 votes
Is there not a project that deals with royalty?  If it makes her look like a descendant of a king, I would think there is some project that could help you get it straightened out.  But, I don't know what all projects there are for Scotland.  I read your messages on the profile since 2021.  There should be some way to get a resolution since you have been trying to solve the problem for so long.
by Renee Newman G2G6 Mach 2 (24.4k points)

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