How did father get added despite PPP status?

+10 votes

A problematic profile has had a father added again:  PPP status was placed by Southern Colonies in 2019:  A member commented with a theory yesterday that was already covered in the first paragraph of disputed origins.  A PM today attached the profile of the theorized father that was previously disconnected.

I was always under the impression that only a project coordinator or leader could add a parent to a PPP'd profile.  There is apparently a loophole that says "2.  Relationship Protection: Parents, children, and spouses of a PPP cannot be added or removed unless you are a Project LeaderProject Coordinator, or Profile Manager acting on behalf of the project".  So apparently a PM has the capability of making the change even if the project hasn't authorized.  So I learned something new, but Southern Colonies needs to weigh in.  Thanks.

WikiTree profile: John Pace
in WikiTree Help by Kerry Larson G2G6 Pilot (247k points)
recategorized by Ellen Smith

It appears that the language about a profile manager was added in a major re-write back in 2019:

The full proposal discussion was here on G2G. 

In that change discussion, the Profile Manager was also on the left side, so the Profile Manager could make a change, prior to that change. The only change was the additional wording at the end.

There doesn't appear to be any basis for the change other than having a common name and the 'father' profile was not updated to contain any information regarding children. It appears there is nothing to suggest the relationship.

To the larger question, I do believe the key in the guidelines is this language "Profile Manager acting on behalf of the project." In the case of a PPP profile, acting on behalf of the project is critical as WT has many controversial profiles where PMs are in disagreement and adding or subtracting connections based on nothing more than being a PM on a profile is very problematic.

2 Answers

+9 votes
Best answer
I have detached the parent that was attached (and added a note in the bio) and asked people to discuss with the project and here on G2G prior to attaching parents.  Thanks for pointing this out.
by Darlene Athey-Hill G2G6 Pilot (590k points)
selected by Porter Fann
Thanks Darlene.
+13 votes
A profile manager can add a relation to a PPP'd profile, which appears to be the case this time. If you were the manager of a profile, would you want to lose the ability to make changes because a project is also managing? Probably not. Profile managers, whether they are Projects or members, need to be able to make changes.

Collaboration among the stakeholders needs to take place.
by Bobbie Hall G2G6 Pilot (396k points)

While all PMs should have input, I do believe the key in the guidelines is this language "Profile Manager acting on behalf of the project." In the case of a PPP profile, acting on behalf of the project is critical as WT has many controversial profiles where PMs are in disagreement and adding or subtracting connections based on nothing more than being a PM on a profile is very problematic.

Edit: It appears to me that at the least with this being a protected profile this should have been discussed in Comments or G2G before the PM made the attachment.

I agree, T. I was only addressing the OP's misunderstanding that only a Leader or PC could make changes, and how that change came about via community discussion. 

The question should be taken to the profile manager directly at this point. If you're not successful, then perhaps go the route of the Problems with Members.

It appears to have been done without coordinating with the project. The whole point of having a project as a co-manager (especially a Project Protected Profile) is to prevent controversial changes, without authorization of the project.

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