Why is merge partially approved?

+4 votes
Have read all merging help articles & when I hit "merge" I expected to see: old version, new version and proposed version. Instead I see message. "Your approval ...recorded. now partially approved and can be completed when the remaining managers approve it. What next? Who controls merge?
in WikiTree Help by Nancy Scharding G2G4 (4.5k points)
retagged by Michael Cayley
When you get the merge screen, which will force you into the lower sequence, you see the 'data' portion with names, dates, locations, side by side so you can choose which to use, if there is a discrepancy, as well as parents. If parents disagree, it may mean the parents are also duplicated and merge should be proposed if they are the same.

Biography will have one profile text, then the other profile text, then the Sources in the same way, so you need to 'clean up' the profile, if any of the biography or Sources was duplicated on both profiles, they should be removed and / merged into one entry.

The merged profile will have both PMs and any Trusted List.

Should these be done in any particular order? i.e. Should I do the parents first and then the children? Or does it matter?

Thanks for your help.

When you propose a merge, it is always a good idea to see if other relatives are also duplicated and get all merges proposed at the same time, so they can be merged at same time frame, instead of having it drag on for months, if other PM is not active or doesn't respond.

When you are ready to merge, the oldest generation should be done first, so you don't leave a profile unconnected. That way going forward, your parents should always be the same for profiles. Hope that helps. Let me know if you need some help.

Just remember that merges cannot be undone. If 2 profiles are merged that shouldn't have been merged. One profile would have to be recreated.  I always remind people that there are several people in same area with common names. Unfortunately some marry someone with same 1st name.
Great advice. Thanks again.

2 Answers

+12 votes
A merge involves 2 profiles and the manager of each one has a stake in the outcome of the merge so both have to approve it.  If the other manager doesn't respond in 30 days, it will be assumed to be approved.
by Stu Ward G2G6 Pilot (213k points)
Thank you, Stu. So, after 30 days, at some point I can compare the profiles and combine things? Will Wik tell me the date is coming up? I hope Wiki doesn't automatically merge my data into the profile with the lower number and lose all my data.
WikiTree won't 'automatically do the merge.  Unfortunately, neither will it tell you the 30-day date is coming up.  You are expected to keep track of that. Go to the 'Find' dropdown menu and you will see an item called 'Pending merges'.  Click on it and see the different ways you can filter it.
I will put it on my calendar. Thanks!
+4 votes
You may want to read about merging, here is the help page.

by Kevin Conroy G2G6 Pilot (305k points)

Have read all that help page twice and it doesn't answer all my questions. Hopefully if I live through this first merge (now expanded to 3 merges) some things will be more clear. Thanks!

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