I am trying to find documentation for the location of my Grandfather's birth

+5 votes
My Grandfather,  Richard Walton CORBMAN  born 06 August 1869  somewhere in Ontario, Canada...the rest of his siblings (9 in number)  have documents indicating they were born in Port Perry, Reach Township, Ontario, Canada.   But nothing for Grandfather...Canada did not have a formal registration process until c.1870  so he falls into 'a black hole'    I want to apply for UEL status and need this documentation to do so.  Any help/directives appreciated.

Many thanks,  doris
in Genealogy Help by Doris M. Corbman G2G1 (1.8k points)
retagged by Michael Cayley
Have you looked for church records?  The 1871 census says the family was Methodist.

5 Answers

+8 votes

Dear Doris,

    Richard Corbman, age 14, was listed with his family in the 1881 census of Port Perry, Scugog, Durham, Ontario, Canada.   

"Canada Census, 1881," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:MVF9-6FK : 2 March 2021), Richard Corbman in household of Daniel Corbman, Port Perry, Scugog, Durham, Ontario, Canada; from "1881 Canadian Census." Database with images. Ancestry. (www.ancestry.com : 2008); citing Daniel Corbman, citing Library and Archives Canada, Ottawa, Ontario.

Can this be used as a substitute for a birth record?  I do not know the UEL application rules....   Hope this helps! -NGP

by Nanette Pezzutti G2G6 Pilot (149k points)
Yes I'm aware of the Canadian Census...grandfather shows up first in the 1871 as a 5yr old child.


+5 votes
You may find his birthplace in his marriage or death record or in one of his children's marriage records. You might also be able to find a baptism record for him: many have been transcribed and indexed here and there.
by Rick Hill G2G6 Pilot (111k points)
+5 votes

Hi Doris!

What exactly do you need for the UEL application?

You're right in that you will not find a birth record - provincial birth registrations did not begin until July 1, 1869; even then, births after this date were not 100% captured.

I looked in the WMBR - even though they were Methodist they may not have been Wesleyan Methodist. I do not see any Corbman births in the register.

I think your best option would be to use his death record; unfortunately since he passed in 1952, the record will not be available online (Ancestry is only current to 1948). The Archives of Ontario has death records to 1951 - so you can wait one more year for 1952 to be releasedd, or you could order the record now from Service Ontario.

Hope this helps!! 

We also have some WikiTreers who know more about UEL stuff if you need any assistance that way.

by Christine Daniels G2G6 Pilot (187k points)
Hi Christine,  many thanks for your reply w/ideas for further consideration...for the UEL application one must prove lineage with primary documentation...Grandfather is my only 'brick wall', which I find interesting since he lived into my lifetime but @ 10 yrs of age I wasn't worrying about genealogy...many or the secondary documents that I have found simply state he was born in Ontario or Canada,  so help there...perhaps I should just order his Death Certificate & see what, if anything, that tells me.

Regards,  doris
+2 votes
I've successfully proven lineage of 3 Loyalists and about to submit a fourth. A census is acceptable to prove parent/child relationships when there isn't a better document available. A birth certificate would obviously be a better document. For the one I'm about to submit, No birth certificate, the marriage record doesn't include parents and no census or church records. Found it in a land grant memorial. In your case, I would order the death certficate to see if it has parents listed and then use the census if the death record doesn't provide the parent/child link that you need.  The exact date of birth and location aren't critical. It is the parent/child relationship that is needed. The census only implies the relationship so another document might be necessary.

Are you working with a Branch genealogist? They are usually very helpful and will help you evaluate the documentation before you submit.
by Doug McCallum G2G6 Pilot (576k points)
Does his marriage record indicate his parents? If so, that, along with the census record would work.
Have you looked for his father's will/probate?
Doug,  thanks for your reply  I was under the impression that I really needed the birth certificate,  which in this case is not possible...I do have the 1871 census where Grandfather is w/family at 5 yrs old.   I tried to order the Death Certificate  at Service Ontario...after filling out all the details & because the death occurred over 50 yrs ago i was referred to the Ontario Archives...OK...so once again filled  out the details and at the end was referred back to Service Ontario...at that point I gave up!!!

But I have found that the Marriage Record shows his parents as Daniel and Almira Corbman.....THANK YOU!!!    THANK YOU!!!     I will give my UEL submission another try...Best regards, doris
Work with your branch genealogist. He/she will let you know if you need more. How you fill out the form is also important since it shows exactly what each source documents.
Many thanks
+3 votes
On the 1901 Census Richard's birthdate is recorded. It would be the most reliable primary document to prove his birth other than an actual birth registration. He would have personally given the information, and it would be the best you have if no birth registration can be found.

I also found a land grant for Richard's great grandfather William (son of Jacob George Korbman), which I added to William's profile. Though for your application I don't know if that is helpful.
by Lorraine Nagle G2G6 Pilot (222k points)
Lorraine,  many thanks fr your reply & info...yes, I'm planning to use the 1871 Canadan census as it is the first one taken after his birth so the info probably given by either of the parents plus I found his parents listed on the marriage certificate.  Am hoping this will prove my line...Grandfather's been my 'brick wall' for sometime which I find interesting since he lived till I was 10 yrs old,  so I actually knew him!


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