How do I change the Cemetery name on a Cemetery Category?

+3 votes
How do I correct a Cemetery Name for a category that I created?  Category:Ridgeview_Cemetery%2C_Browning%2C_Illinois

I accidentially called a cemetery Ridgeview and it should be Ridgeville.  

Category: Ridgeview Cemetery, Browning, Illinois SHOULD BE:  Category: Ridgeville Cemetery, Browning, Illinois
in WikiTree Help by Marcine Lohman G2G2 (2.3k points)

3 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer
by Peggy Watkins G2G6 Pilot (950k points)
selected by Marcine Lohman
+2 votes
The only real way I know to do that is to create the new category with the right name, re-assign all the profiles to the new category and then I'm not sure if the old category needs to be marked for deletion or if it will just disappear.  Someone with more technical knowledge can answer on that last piece.
by Matthew Evans G2G6 Mach 7 (79.3k points)
+2 votes
You should tag this cemeteries and categorization to get the proper people to fix it.
by Kevin Conroy G2G6 Pilot (307k points)
Sorry, kind of new and didn't realize.  Thanks.

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