Would you like to help with a mini Clean-A-Thon for profiles with Scotland locations?

+18 votes

Hi Everyone.

Since we haven't had a Clean-A-Thon in quite a while and another is not scheduled, the Scotland project thought we would like to run a mini Clean-A-Thon with Suggestions in profiles with Scotland locations.

We found suggestions that anyone can do, not just those members that are familiar with Scotland locations.  The Info column on these Suggestions normally have the correction or 'problem' item in the location. 

This will not only help the profiles with locations in Scotland, but WikiTree as a whole.

We have created a Scotland_Mini_Clean-A-Thon page with links for the Suggestions and a Totals table that we will update weekly

For this month, we're starting with a Clean-a-Thon using these suggestions 

  • 608/638/668 (Misspelled country in birth/death/marriage locations)
    • Info box has the spelling correction, so everyone can help with these.
  • 602/632/662 (Separators in Location for birth/death/marriage locations)
    • Info box shows the 'problem' separator (apostrophe with church can be 'moved to the biography' or marked as False Suggestion, '&' should be changed to 'and', or marked as False, depending on how it is used, '?' should be removed and set as uncertain)

With Suggestions, if you are not sure of how to correct it, just leave it 'as is', and check another one.  There are plenty of Suggestions to work on.

While reviewing the suggestions, please add  {{Unsourced | Scotland }}  to profiles that are lacking sources, which will also help us improve the Tree.

Let's try to improve the Tree and have some fun!

As this is no official challenge, there are no points available, but the Scotland Project thanks you for your generous help!!

Thanks for the help!

Update for Feb 21

The new Weekly Suggestions are posted.  The decrease for the Thon suggestions is amazing!!  For those 6 suggestions, and it is mostly the 608/638/668 group, we have cleaned up 1741 suggestions!!!    Thank you to everyone for such great Teamwork this week!! 

I know we have others that are outside of the Scotland project that have also helped, so Thank You for helping to clean up the Tree!!   Feb 21 Update  I will add 3 additional ones to the sheet, just to make sure we don't run out, because I had Ales correct something and we got a huge increase in another group of easy to fix.

in The Tree House by Linda Peterson G2G6 Pilot (868k points)
edited by Linda Peterson

13 Answers

+3 votes
Best answer

Thank you to everyone that has helped the past three weeks.

We cleaned up over 4200 easy location suggestions for Scotland Project in 3 weeks, which is fantastic!! I have updated the Suggestion links and totals, in case anyone wants to continue to work on Suggestions this week.

by Linda Peterson G2G6 Pilot (868k points)
selected by Bobbie Hall
+9 votes
Great idea, Linda! I'm in.
by Bobbie Hall G2G6 Pilot (392k points)
+9 votes

I will be happy to help. smiley

by Loretta Corbin G2G6 Pilot (260k points)
Thanks.  Hopefully no rabbits to follow!
+8 votes

I'm in too!!  Thanks for organizing this Linda smiley

by Amy Gilpin G2G6 Pilot (228k points)
+8 votes
Count me in
by Kathy Nava G2G6 Pilot (409k points)

Thanks.  Just a little payback! wink

+8 votes
Now this is more my geography and history skill level :)
by Rosalie Neve G2G6 Pilot (182k points)
Thanks for joining the fun!! after working on the last Challenge with the Wallace family.
+7 votes
I finish with my helper this week, so hope to get back to WikiTree soon. I'll do a few in between checking scans!
by Margaret Allison G2G6 Mach 4 (46.5k points)
Thanks Margaret, I saw that you did do some of the 602, which I also was working on.
+7 votes
I’ll be happy to help Linda. When does it start.
by Megan Woodward G2G6 Mach 8 (81.9k points)
You can work on them anytime.  This week's suggestions are on the space page above.

Thanks for the help.
+7 votes
Thanks for coordinating this, Linda.  I’m in.
by Betsy Ko G2G6 Pilot (177k points)
Thanks Betsy
+7 votes
Hi Linda, I completed a pageful of misspellings yesterday
by D Grosvenor G2G6 Mach 5 (58.6k points)
Thanks for the help
+6 votes
I'll get my duster out :-)
by Sheena Tait G2G6 Pilot (140k points)
Thanks Sheena
+7 votes
Perfect! I do this as I go anyway.

Nice to have a list.

Thanks so much
by Sue Townsend G2G6 Mach 2 (27.1k points)
Thanks Sue
+5 votes
I've been working on my suggestion list since participants in our ONS uploaded  gedcoms (mostly in Scotland)..

I think a clean-up is a great idea.
by Leigh Chester-Master G2G6 Pilot (122k points)
Glad you agree.  It would be great for Wikitree to have a full Clean a Thon, but maybe more projects will have to organize them.  We have lots of people already digging in and changing things.  I can't wait to see the changed numbers next week.

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