Can anyone provide adequate documentation for proper attribution?

+2 votes

The DAR North American Family Histories, Dodge family genealogies, and others show John Rose (Rose-3047and Mary Dodge (Dodge-882) as the parents of Ezekiel as indicated in Rose-2847. This Ezekiel is said to have moved to Hunterdon, New Jersey ca 1720, married Mary Fidler 1725 Hopewell, Hunterdon, New Jersey and died cir 2 Aug 1768. (see bio information in Rose-2847). Ezekiel's will lists his children and includes Jonathan who i believe is Rose-13536 and I would normally simply make the connection between them. HOWEVER the Rose family association has done Y-DNA testing and concluded that this Ezekiel can not be the brother of Tourmet Rose and therefore is not the son of John and Mary Dodge. Rather they suggest he is related to the Long Island line of Roses who most likely descend from Robert Rose (Rose-3039) and Dorothy (Conklin-2602). They had a son Jonathan (Rose-2983) who had a son Ezekiel (Rose-4414). According to this profile he died 1708 in Hunterdon, New Jersey age 10. This seams suspect as there is no indication that his parents moved there and i have seen reference to a document that his father has given him land as an inheritance cir 1720. It would seam likely that this is the Ezekiel who moved to Hunterdon, New Jersey and married Mary Fidler. b1705 Block Island RI d. 1768 Hunterdon,NJ. This would seam to be Fidler-500 except that she is shown as marrying William not Ezekiel. Has anyone done enough research to accurately document and make the appropriate changes and connections?

WikiTree profile: Ezekiel Rose
in Genealogy Help by Graydon Miller G2G Crew (550 points)
edited by Ellen Smith

I looked at Ezekiel's profile to see what evidence you have so far, and I discovered almost nothing on the profile. Here's what I found:

  • There's a birth date from the early-20th-century Dodge Genealogy, which cites an earlier secondary source. (This may be accurate, but it's not a reliable source.)
  • There's a good source for his will, which is wonderful evidence for his kids, but tells us nothing about his parents.
  • And the source for his marriage is mostly Gedcom gibberish imported when another profile was merged into this one (source identification is "#S0000" and "5ac210cde66371e8af19c83dd43bc2c6"); I have a strong hunch that the source was an online record image on

Apparently you have at least some additional information and sources. Since he died before the Rev. War, DAR is unlikely to be an authoritative source for his parents, but it's worth noting what you found there, and you may have additional information that could be added to his profile (as Research Notes, if you have doubts about it). Additional background will help other members help you.

And it wouldn't hurt if you would see if you can dig up some primary sources for any of his life details!

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