What is the point of a Profile manager

+6 votes
The one thing I have leant when using WikiTree people tell that communication between people is very important . So why do people insist in going into my profile and changing the layout and changing what they think the correct source information should be . Without the dropping me a message to talk about what they think should be in the profiles. No more for me I am off Bye.
in Policy and Style by Jack Dryden G2G1 (1.3k points)
retagged by Ellen Smith
Sorry to hear that you are upset about edits that other members have made to profiles where you are listed as profile manager.

In a Wiki, none of us can "own" the content we create, and it's safe to say that all of us get annoyed on occasion by the changes that others make to profiles that we care about.

In general, minor changes to format and layout (especially corrections to format errors and changes to help a profile conform with WikiTree style guidance) and sourcing improvements are not deemed to be the kinds of major changes that require communication in advance. However, if other members are going through profiles we created and making major changes that we don't like (such as converting biographical text to a timeline, or vice versa) or making erroneous changes to source citations, we can and should make contact with them, advise them of our concerns about their changes, and ask them to be more considerate in the future. Different members have different preferences and set different personal boundaries, and we cannot recognize that we have given offense to someone unless the offended person tells us. Be sure to be polite and diplomatic! And do assume that the other member had good intentions (they probably did)!

Have you looked at the Style standards for profiles? Here is the Help page: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Help:Biographies

Not following the standards may be generating errors that people are fixing by editing your profiles to conform.  There are specific headings that are required and guidelines for other headings or sub-headings.

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