Link Wisdom-25 to Wisdom-503?

+2 votes
If I can establish that John Wisdom (Wisdom-25) was the father of Francis Wisdom (Wisdom-503), I will link to John's parents, Thomas and Martha Wisdom (both are American Revolution Patriots).  I see all the trees where the notes say John is Francis' father, but no sources.  

Thanks to all the kind G2G helpers, I was able to locate Francis' will and link to his son, Harrison.  If I can plug this last hole, the line will be complete!  

Any suggestions or advice greatly welcomed! Thanks to the wonderful G2G online community.
in Genealogy Help by Terri Marshall G2G Crew (570 points)

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I think your Francis might belong to  the John Wisdom or Thomas Wisdom that were in KY and not John /wisdom (25)

Thomas was son of John Wisdom and Ann Collins.  I think John was too, but haven't been able to document that yet.
by Sandra Vines G2G6 Pilot (154k points)
selected by Susan Laursen
Thanks for the response.  The Thomas Wisdom I'm trying to link to is a DAR Established Patriot (#A054691).  He was married to Martha Peggy Lewis (who is also an Established Patriot in her own right, #A054694).    Thomas' father is also an Established Patriot (#A054697) and it records he was born circa 1710 in Virginia and died ante 9/15/1974 in Pittsylvania Co, Virginia.  Francis' wife and Thomas' mother was Sarah Buford.  She was born in Middlesex County, VA and died September 1794 Pittsylvania County, VA.  Francis and Sarah married in 1729 in Middlesex, VA.  

My info. is that Thomas and Martha had several children including but not limited to John and Abner.  Abner married Mary Fuller and John married Sarah Fuller (sisters?) in the same County.  There is also that deed from Martha's second husband wherein in he names Martha's children including John.  

From there, someone's tree reflects John and Sarah had two children, a daughter Lucy, and a son, Francis.  Lucy born in NC and Francis in KY, with both dying in Cumberland, KY.   The will from Francis Wisdom is also from Cumberland, KY.    

Sooo  cloooose....

James Jay's deed does not mention an Abner Wisdom,

March,1799 Term of the court. Executed by James Jay, Martha's second husband. "Know all men by the presents that I, James Jay,of the county of Person and state of North Carolina, For and in consideration of the goodwill and affection I bear to Elizabeth Turner, Frances Fuller, Sarah Wisdom, John Wisdom, James Wisdom, Martha Wisdom, Wisdom and Delphia Holsonback, children of my wife, Martha Jay, and for the further sum of five shillings to me in hand,paid by the said......." ( no mention of Abner or Larkin)

We know Larkin as her son because he was living with her and March,. Executed by James Jay, Martha's second husband. June 5, 1798, James Jay and his wife Martha and Larkin Wisdom grant to Lewis Wisdom. ( Martha's property to son Lewis?)

Thank you!

The search continues! :)

 Kentucky, U.S., Compiled Census and Census Substitutes Index, 1810-1890

 Kentucky, U.S., Land Grants, 1782-1924 Report a problemDetail SourceGrantee: Jno WisdomNumber of Acres: 150Survey Date: 20 Sep 1798County: GreenWaterCourse: Marrowbone CrBook Number: 2
Name: John Wisdom
State: KY
County: Madison County
Township: No Township Listed
Year: 1789
Record Type: Tax list
Database: KY Early Census Index

 Kentucky, U.S., Land Grants, 1782-1924

Grantee: Thomas Wisdom
Number of Acres: 50
Survey Date: 16 Oct 1816
County: Cumberland
WaterCourse: Caneys Fk
Book Number: B        1820,ky

 1810 United States Federal Census

Name: Tom Wisdom
Residence Date: 6 Aug 1810
Residence Place: Columbia, Adair, Kentucky, USA
Look at scanned photo of census, there is a Francis Wisdom, next to  with a John and a Thomas, Wisdom

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