Could I please get a translation of two German documents?

+7 votes

This is the baptism record of Andreas Schmehl (on and this is the marriage record of his parents (on

I need transcriptions and translations of both documents. You can see the records (but not the documents) on familysearch.



WikiTree profile: Andreas Schmehl
in Genealogy Help by Paul Schmehl G2G6 Pilot (164k points)

2 Answers

+8 votes
Best answer
Dom. VI p. Epiphan, Septuagesima, et Sexagesima sind alhier proclamiret und drauf d. 18 May copuliret worden Mathias Schmahl, Zimmergeselle alhier mit Jungfer Juliana Charlotta Resickin, Johann Christoph Resicke, Bürgers und Zimmermanns alhier eheleibliche Tochter.
by Dieter Lewerenz G2G Astronaut (3.2m points)
selected by Susan Laursen
Dom. VI p. Epiphany, Septuagesima, et Sexagesima were announced here and then the 18th of May married Mathias Schmahl, journeyman carpenter here with maid Juliana Charlotta Resickin, legitimate daughter of Johann Christoph Resicke, citizen and carpenter here.
D. 13ten Martz ist getauft Johann Andreas Schmahl, der Vater heißt Matias Schmahl, abgedankter Rentier, die Mutter heißt Juliana Chatlotta Rössickin, ihr Eheliches Kind, die Pathen wahren Herr ChristophTrichart, Bürger und Kirchen Vorsteher; Christoph Türke, Zimmer-Geselle; Christoph Beyer, Zeuchmacher-Geselle; Frau Weyerin, Handels-Mannin; Frau Knichnoin, Brauerin; Frau Sauberlichin, Hof-Zimmer Meisterin; Frau Jochim, Zimmer-Gesellin.
Johann Andreas Schmahl was baptized on March 13. His father's name is Matias Schmahl, a resigned pensioner; his mother's name is Juliana Chatlotta Rössickin, her legitimate child; the godparents are Mr. Christoph Trichart, citizen and church warden; Christoph Türke, journeyman carpenter; Christoph Beyer, journeyman cloth maker; Mrs. Weyer, tradeswoman; Mrs. Knichnoin, brewer; Mrs. Sauberlich, court master carpenter; Mrs. Jochim, journeywoman carpenter.
Thank you so much, Dieter. When I look at those documents, I can make out some words but not others. It reminds me of looking at old deeds from North Carolina. Because I can read English, I can "fill in the blanks" when the words are hard to make out. Since I can't read German, I can't do the same with these.

One question. Why is Juliana's surname Resickin but her father's name is Resicke? Does that have something to do with gender in the German language?
It is a female ending, it was oficially used in Germany until the end of the 18th century. In some German areas it is still used today in the spoken language. For female endings the use today i.e. in Bavaria -in, in Swabian -e, in the Alemanic area -i, in the Vogtland -n, in North Germany -sche.
Thank you. I suspected as much.
+4 votes
Hi Andreas!

Can you provide a link to a scan of the actual records (plus the parish/church)? I have some experience in deciphering German records and would like to help if I can.

Kind regards, Jens
by Jens Müller G2G2 (2.4k points)

Jens, the links were in the original post. They point to, which is a subscription service.

Baptism - on Berlin/Sophienkirke

Wedding - on Berlin/Sophienkirke

Hi Andreas!
Thank you for the replay. I realized that the link was in the original post, and I know archion very well (but have no active ccount at the moment). But thought it would be more easy to add a scan if the link leads to a record behind a pay wall so that it could not be check by some of us. Glad that Dieter was able to help in such a very accurate way!

Kind regards and good luck/sucess!

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