Help reading occupation Care taker / Card maker

+3 votes
Hi, Can anyone help decipher an occupation.  

Its for Eliza Burnand in the 1891 census

I've got caretaker and card maker as possible options but neither looks quite right.

The last letter of the first word doesn't look like the 'e' at the end of mantle on the next row down, or any of the other lower case 'e's.

And while I have seen leading Ms with a sloped top and flourish in other records this doesn't seem to match the rest of the writing here, but there does look to be a second downstroke making it less likely to be a T.  The flourish at the top kind of matches the lower case t in the row below though.

Input from anyone with better eyes / experience of reading script would be appreciated, Thanks.
WikiTree profile: Eliza Burnand
in Genealogy Help by Abigail Axton G2G6 (6.4k points)
Caretaker.  (Comparing the letters with the below entry.)
Would this be a likely occupation for a 62yo widow?
I would think so, if it was similar to being a housekeeper.

Whoever wrote it had a strange way of rendering terminal e's - using the "backwards three" style in the middle of what we see as a single word.  (Which was why, until I took a better look, I thought it was card maker.)

1 Answer

+4 votes
FindMyPast's image is much clearer. The second word is taker: there are two vertical strokes, but I think one is t and the other the census clerk's pencil mark, as with carver five lines below (not visible on Ancestry).
by Andrew Millard G2G6 Pilot (216k points)

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