Where does this Cemetery go?

+6 votes
I found Daniel Rowley listed in both BillionGraves and FindAGrave, but the towns differ. Since this cemetery isn't listed (that I can find), where do I put the cemetery?

1. Find a Grave (has image) {{FindAGrave|10786476}} (accessed 1 February 2023) Memorial page for Daniel Rowley (28 Feb 1795-19 Dec 1844), citing Coopers Cemetery, Manchester, Ontario County, New York, USA; Maintained by Jerry Bohnett (contributor 47170097).

2. "BillionGraves Index," database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:KP3S-N1V : 24 June 2015), Daniel Rowley, died 19 Dec 1844; citing BillionGraves (http://www.billiongraves.com : 2012), Burial at Coopers Cemetery, Shortsville, Ontario, New York, United States.
WikiTree profile: Daniel Rowley
in WikiTree Help by Judy Bramlage G2G6 Pilot (267k points)

1 Answer

+5 votes
If you plug the coordinate into Google Maps it's in the Town of Palmyra, which is in Wayne County. That's what I would use. Find a Grave is often wrong!
by Natalie Trott G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
Fine. But is someone going to come along and put the cemetery in the town that FG uses?  

I'll send a note to FG to see if they'll fix it. So far, my suggestions or corrections have all been accepted rather rapidly and implemented.
Probably, but the bot now finds those and we merge them. I have seen them update locations on several cemeteries lately, which is refreshing. It took 2 years of asking, but they finally untangled a Fort Wayne Indiana cemetery mess someone created many years ago. Give it a shot!
According to the map, it's equidistant between Palmyra and Manchester, but a little closer to Manchester. The plus code for the location is "2Q8G+62R Manchester, New York".
Coopers Cemetery does not appear to be in Palmyra since the Palmyra Cemetery is 2.5 miles away and a separate cemetery. So I'll go with Manchester.  Thanks everyone
Palmyra IS in Wayne County.  But, from the map, it appears this cemetery is south of Palmyra, half-way between Palmyra and Manchester.  Ontario County is the location of this cemetery, not Wayne County.  
The mistake both findagrave and billiongraves make is trying to assign a town to a cemetery that is not located within a town border.  It is sometimes more accurate to simple show the county (no town) or a township.

Someone with local knowledge would know.  To me, it seems that Manchester Town is inclusive of several locations.  It is 38 square miles in size. In this case, I think findagrave is accurate.

"In New York, a town is a municipal corporation, which is the major division of each county (excluding the five boroughs that comprise New York City), very similar to townships in other states such as Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Indiana.  Like New Jersey and southern New England, all of New York is incorporated; all residents who do not live in a city or on an Indian reservation live in a town.

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