Comments on Sarah Shreeves

+4 votes

On 15 Jan 2023 Victoria (Pierson) Crosley wrote on Shreeves-9:

This profile needs the last name at birth to be Unknown, if you don't know what her maiden name was. Married women need to be added to Wikitree by their maiden names, not their married names. This would apply to any other profiles you have created for women if you entered them by their married name.

I attempted to contact the PM on this, and many other profiles she has created with married names.  There has been no activity by the PM since 2016, and I received no response to a private email I sent to her.  As well, there is no opportunity to add sources to the profiles due to the privacy level.  In looking at her activity, it seems that there were many gedcoms uploaded, but no other activity on the majority of the profiles.  What can be done to get the privacy levels changed so that sources can be added, and who can correct the LNAB for all the profiles entered with married names?

WikiTree profile: Sarah Shreeves
in Genealogy Help by Victoria Crosley G2G6 (8.8k points)
edited by Victoria Crosley

1 Answer

+3 votes
Best answer
I think filing an Unresponsive Profile Manager might be the way to go. You can explain her inactivity and the problems that need to be addressed and Admin will take care of  opening those profiles if appropriate time-wise to open them.
by Virginia Fields G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
selected by Victoria Crosley
Thanks Virginia, I have begun the process, but I have to ask to be put on the trusted list, and leave a comment on the PM's page.  I have done both, and will follow up in 7 days if I don't get a response sooner.
Thank you, Victoria, for the answer star. I appreciate it.

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