Hello, My Name is Bill Andrews and I have been researching my family since 1996. I started going to libraries and looking at microfilm census records. Traveled to places on this records and looked for family history in those places. I went to a historical society in Tuckerton New Jersey where they had my family traced back to the 1400's. Once I found Ancestory.com I started adding the information and before I knew it I had connections with places across the Atlantic like England, France, and Holland. Once Ancestry.com started to take away foreign in formation that you could once again have for an extra fee, I decided to look elsewhere. I stumbled upon this site and decided to give it a try. I hope to expand my tree on here b y seeking out others that have similar interests. My Mothers maiden name is Carroll and I hit a dead end with her ancestor diving on the second day at Gettysburg. I know he came from Ireland but I can't seem to make the connection. Or my last name is Andrews and I can't make that connection to England. Anyway I happy you be on this site and hopefully it will improve on my searches. Thanks