Irish gravestones - tombstone inscriptions and cemetery registers

+22 votes

Freespace page Irish Gravestones lists and links to sites and publications containing Irish tombstone inscriptions (often with photgraphs), cemetery registers and graveyard surveys.

Tombstone inscriptions and cemetery registers often contain much more information than the more usual parish burial records, including details of family members buried together, dates, occupations, the names of those organising the burial and so on. A lot of data is available, although it is unfortunately scattered in many different places, many of which are mentioned here.

This page is part of a series Early Modern Irish Sources, because of the value of this information in the genealogy of 17th and 18th century Ireland, although very large numbers of the graves and burials described are much more recent, indeed up to the 21st century.

I would be very grateful for suggestions on extra sources to add to the page or other ways to improve it.

in The Tree House by Alan Watson G2G6 Mach 3 (34.5k points)
An excellent resource Alan. Thank you. I have added it to the Irish resources page.

5 Answers

+9 votes
Thank you, there are quite a few I didn’t know of listed!

What is the best way to deal with resources for individual graveyard listings? Would it be worth recording them on the county page with a link to the County pages… (I tried to look for the county page and I can’t remember how to get there other than going to an individual profile and working up from a townland!! Just been failing to find my way there through the help pages … )
by L Greer G2G6 Pilot (104k points)

This category page is for counties of Ireland. (If you forget where it is you can find it from the Ireland Project Page.) From the counties category page, you can click on the category for the county you want and from there to the freespace page for the county concerned.

I would be interested in others' replies to your question.

Thanks for the link… I probably need a cup of coffee to wake up properly!

The reason I asked is, I can think of a couple of websites for Co Londonderry with transcriptions,, and for Co Tyrone The Bell and a few other publications have some graveyards surveyed.
If the websites have any significant coverage, let me know the URLs and I will add them.

Each County category should have a sub-category for cemeteries. For example Waterford cemeteries category.

Please do not add links to cemetery resources into the County category.

@Linda, add the Ireland counties category to your scratchpad. Then you can get to it easily. Alternatively if you have not already done so install WikiTree BEE and keep a link at the top of the notes which is then available on every page.
I have sent you some links Alan.
+9 votes is probably the most comprehensive site for photos of Kerry gravestones.
by John Falvey G2G6 Mach 2 (21.7k points)
+5 votes

Hi Alan,

A great source for two of the cemeteries in County Dublin is

This contains the burial records including digitised original images, for one of the biggest - Deansgrange Burial Ground in Blackrock, County Dublin which opened in 1865 which now has over 150,000 burials. I personally spent some hours here locating the resting places of many of my aunts, uncles and grandparents using these records and the very willing assistance of the staff there, in 2018.

Also the records of Shanganagh Burial Ground the later cemetery that opened in 1984 which is much smaller, in Shankill. 

by Anonymous Webster G2G6 (8.2k points)
Thanks. I do list discovereverafter at the top of the section headed 'Irish Sites'.
+8 votes

I have added several other sources to this freespace page since initially creating it, notably Kerry Burials as mentioned by John Falvey, Maghera & Bann valley genealogy societies as suggested by L Greer, the tombstones section of Fáilte Romhat, Wexford municipal burial records and the North Wexford Historical Society database and most recently Enfield Graveyards which covers Meath and Kildare.

Also, many of the individual sources listed have significantly increased their coverage, notably Skibbereen Heritage and the Ireland Genealogy Projects.

If anyone has other suggestions for improvement, please let me know.

by Alan Watson G2G6 Mach 3 (34.5k points)
+6 votes

Something like 10,000 burials in St.Peter's Cemetery in Little Bray, County Wicklow. Unfortunately, no registers exist for the older church yard.

by Nigel O'Connor G2G6 (7.7k points)

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