copyright and agreements with other sites

+10 votes
Wondering if it was a possibility that Wiki has an agreement with find a grave enabling the sharing of those images with the recognition going back to find a grave.  Secondly is it also possible to do that with the National archives of Australia which would allow the sharing of Military veterans and their stories.  My husband's family is full of them, stopped counting at 50.
WikiTree profile: William Hyde
in Policy and Style by Yvette Brodnik G2G6 (6.3k points)
I have asked for permission from the profile managers several times, and have always received permission. A couple cases they emailed more photos.  In my query I include a link to the WikiTree profile. so they know how it will be used.  

As others stated, the profile manager, not Find A Grave holds rights to the photos.
Patricia, that's not right you have it confused. On Find a Grave, as per the selected Best Answer, copyright is with the photographer. I just wanted to clarify.
You are correct. For all the photos I have asked for permission, the photos were placed on the profiles by the same person that created the profiles, so I didn't think of the difference between. Also, the photos I have placed on there, I have put them on profiles that I created, so didn't think of a potential situation where they could be two different people.

3 Answers

+19 votes
Best answer
Hi Yvette,  you can always message the contributor of the photo (on Find a Grave) and ask for permission to repost. I have done that before.
by Dina Grozev G2G6 Pilot (218k points)
selected by David Loring
Also read the contributors Bio, sometimes the person will say that they give permission for anyone to use their photos. And you should always credit the photo to that contributor.
Just as added clarification, any copyright of photos people have placed on FindAGrave lies with the person who took the photo, not with FindAGrave.
Just as an example, all my photos on Find A Grave may be used for personal research and non-commercial websites and my bio on Find A Grave states that. The one thing I do object to is where I have not added all the photos for a family yet and someone downloads the photo and adds it to the other family members. That, in my opinion, is not on. Having said that it has only happened a couple of times.

Thinking about this I think I should go and add a para about what I consider to be non-commercial. Basically sites that do not charge a fee to view.

ETA: Typos
+5 votes

Hi Yvette, the National Archives of Australia is also quite flexible. 

Have a look at which says NAA "supports and encourages the dissemination and exchange of information". 

Most stuff released under 'creative commons license' so if you share then you need to attribute ('© Commonwealth of Australia (National Archives of Australia) 2023.'), but some stuff may be marked as copyright of a third party (this would probably be for newer stuff) in which case you need the permission of that third party. 

by Troy Phillips G2G6 Mach 1 (13.9k points)

You need the Creative Commons bit as well, for example

CC BY 3.0 AU © Commonwealth of Australia (National Archives of Australia) 2019.

So can you clarify that this Creative Commons is for the case when you reproduce something from NAA, and to do so you still need to contact them with a request.

And if you are just quoting information from NAA you need to include them as a source using their citation instructions?


You do not need to contact them or make a request. I am quoting Troy's link

which says

The National Archives asserts the right to be recognised as author of the original material in the following manner:

Creative commons licence logo

© Commonwealth of Australia (National Archives of Australia) 2019.

Since it is laborious to insert that image in references, I am suggesting using the slight variation

CC BY 3.0 AU © Commonwealth of Australia (National Archives of Australia) 2019.

which carries the same information, in fact more: if you follow the link CC BY 3.0 AU you will see the terms of that Creative Commons licence.

The NAA citation instructions are recommendations not compulsory. You can follow them if you wish, or use other formats which accord with WikiTree standards, as long as you include the minimum details of institution, series number, and control symbol/item number.

+3 votes
Thanks for asking this question Yvette. I have learnt a lot by reading through the comments and answers.
by Steve Thomas G2G6 Pilot (157k points)

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