Is there a German newspaper online search? [closed]

+7 votes

Is there anything equivalent to for Germany? I'm interested in searching for mentions of someone who may have lived in Osnabruck, possibly Iburg, in 1874-75 and later.

Update: Never mind. I found what I was looking for. My third great-grandfather posted a death notice about his brother, whose death date I was trying to find.

You can view it here:

I tried to transcribe it but I had trouble with one word.

Melle 28 Juni 1875 starb zu Laer, amt Iburg,

im Folge einer Lungentzundung mein lieber bruder der Dr. med. Fritz Wilhelm Lorenz Schmehl 75 Jahre alt. Im name der verivandten

Translation: Melle 28 June 1875 died in Laer, office Iburg, as a result of pneumonia, my dear brother, Dr. medical Fritz Wilhelm Lorenz Schmehl 75 years old. In the name of relatives Carl August Schmehl

What is the letter after amt before Iburg? Is that a z? and what does it mean "amt? Iburg"? Near Iburg?

WikiTree profile: Carl Augustus Schmehl
closed with the note: The question was answered.
in Genealogy Help by Paul Schmehl G2G6 Pilot (165k points)
closed by Paul Schmehl
Related to this, but not exactly like, I have had good success finding German obituaries (recent, within 10 years or so) by just searching the area news paper. I have a lot of relatives near Uetersen and Bremen, so I regularly check the larger daily papers obituaries.

Here is an example for my Pluschau relatives:

I've found tons of relatives who died in more recent years.

Another great aid for finding German newspapers

Maybe this will be useful for those searching German newspapers.
Thank you, Steve.

2 Answers

+8 votes
Best answer (under Familienanzeigen), but they are maintaining their servers at the moment. I don't know how long they need.
by Dieter Lewerenz G2G Astronaut (3.2m points)
selected by Paul Schmehl
Thank you, Dieter. As always, you are a great help.
+4 votes
Amts Iburg, I guess just the Genitive.

Profession: Steuereinnahmer a.D. = retired tax collector
by Sven Elbert G2G6 Pilot (109k points)
The genitive of what? Amt? What does the word mean?

Hi Paul 

An Amt is a bit like a county in the Prince-Bishopric Osnabrück. It was part of the administration and had police and sovereign duties.

Here is more info in German - maybe use browser translation?

Iburg had a significant castle, residence of the Osnabrück Bishop

Sven, thanks. Those are quite helpful (and Google translate does a decent job.) I really appreciate you providing the links. I wish Wikitree had the appropriate categories for these political entities, but i realize it's a mammoth task. And it needs to be done by someone who knows what they're doing and understands the history of the area.

Paul, the Germany Project decided not to maintain historic categories, simply because it is actually contrary to what a category is for. If you group your people all in the Bad Iburg category (as you seem to do), it is easier to see over time with how many people you are related. The Fürstbistum Osnabrück does not belong to those areas which changed their name or territory seemingly every five years. But there are towns in Germany where the territory they were administered from changed really often.
Just as example the history of Bockenheim an der Weinstraße only in the 20th century (taken from the German Wikipedia): There were Großbockenheim and Kleinbockenheim. Already in the 1920s there were people lobbying for a fusion of the two villages. In 1947 there was a ballot if they should be unified. No. Next ballot in 1955, this time yes. Unification on 1 Jan 1956. Bockenheim, as it was named then, was put into the Landkreis Frankenthal. In 1969, there was a big administrative reform in Rheinland-Pfalz, they got part of the Landkreis Bad Dürkheim. In 1972, there was a new reform on the lower administrative level, and they got part of the Verbandsgemeinde Grünstadt-Land, which in 2018 was dissolved and joined the Verbandsgemeinde Leiningerland.

Now, if every historical entity got their own category, you'd have a zillion category with only one person in it, because for the next generation the category would not fit anymore. So this is (one of) the reason(s) why we categorize it only in the modern way.

Hi Paul,

The Bad Iburg, Niedersachsen category is great. For the location fields:

I have updated the following page to show the proper location names for the various years, which is hopefully useful?

Thanks, Sven. That makes a great deal of sense. My perfectionist streak needs to be calmed down.

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