Why is my Dad & Mom & many others in my tree shown as “orphaned” trees

+3 votes
Can someone explain this to me?
in WikiTree Help by E. Lauraine Syrnick G2G6 Pilot (127k points)

2 Answers

+5 votes
It just means that sometime after the profiles were created, the Profile Manager orphaned them. This is a normal part of WikiTree and they can be adopted by someone who wants to improve them.
by Doug McCallum G2G6 Pilot (574k points)
As long as I am living, DO NOT WANT Amy parents to be improved by others without them asking m first.  Tell me this is not true, please
As L Greer said, your parent aren’t orphaned and no one els can change them. How did you get the list that said that they were orphaned? That might explain what you we’re seeing.
The "problem" is an often reported issue when looking for orphan profiles.   https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Special:Adoptions

I did not check the very long list, but those I did check were not available for adoption, as they had profile managers.
+6 votes
I had a quick look and you have the privacy set for your parents so people can see but not change your parents profiles. They don’t look to be orphaned either as you are the profile manager.

I may not have understood properly what you were asking though.
by L Greer G2G6 Pilot (103k points)
When I looked up “orphaned trees” my parents & many others were shown that I had put profiles in.  Now perhaps there is some means of telling them apart.  I am not the most adept at computers so if there is a way to tell this, pleas advise.  Remember, I am now 85 yrs so please explain in simoke English.
E - check the "bast answer" on this related question -- https://www.wikitree.com/g2g/389008/why-are-the-profiles-i-manage-shown-as-orphaned
It is a very confusing interface. Only the yellow highlighted names that you see are orphaned. You many need to scroll down for a while before you see a name highlighted.
Thanks to all.  Still not sure I understand this interface, but will look to see those with a line through.  May forget whether that means they have someone in charge or not??  Can this not be fixed?  Especially for old people like me?
I had a huge problem with it too, as do many other people. I hope they do fix it. The main things to remember are your parents aren't orphaned, and the problem is with the interface and not with you.

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