¡Buenos días a todos from the Old Pueblo! It is 7am and 45F (7.2C) with an expected high of 68F (20C) with partly sunny skies in Tucson. This past week has seen a fair amount of rain and weather that dips to freezing with occasional days of highs in the low 70s.
I heard from the new health insurance broker yesterday that I am now enrolled in UnitedHealth AARP. I am calling Cigna later today to explain why I have left their ‘care’ (I use the term sardonically) and then writing to Medicare. I have been taking medication for high blood pressure for the past week and no longer hear the ringing and buzzing, nor the sensation as though my head is going to explode.
My daughter, Jennifer, and her husband, Curtis visited from Wisconsin this past Saturday and Sunday. Although it was a short visit, it was big on hugs and chat. I met the kids (they are in their late 40s, but they are still kids to me) at their hotel very late Friday night on their arrival from Milwaukee to Tucson. My townhome is not really large enough to house family or visitors, so they stayed at a hotel nearby. Saturday morning, Jennifer and I met at my local Starbucks and had our ‘Starcrack drugs of choice’ at the table adjacent to where Lydia ‘the Umbrella Lady’ would sit. I pointed out the memorial to Lydia, which is still very much present.
We returned to the hotel and rousted Curtis from bed for breakfast at the hotel, which was quite a generous feast. Sadly, my decaying pancreas kept me from indulging, so the kids ate my fair share. After breakfast, Jennifer and Curtis left for Tombstone, which has been on their ‘Bucket List’ for a very long time. I think everyone who sees Kurt Russell’s version of Tombstone wants to see the real town. After Tombstoning and Boot Hilling, the two returned in the early evening and we dined at El Cisne (I missed you, Pip). On Sunday, we met for breakfast with friends Diana and Stuart at the local Coco’s restaurant. Stuart and I have been colleagues since 1994 when he was Chief of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine. Now we are all family (he is a brother from another mother and Diana is a sister from another mister). After breakfast, the kids and I spent some time at the Rillito Farmer’s Market, then Old Town Artisans in downtown Tucson, then San Xavier del Bac Mission. It was a fun and relaxing visit. I only wish it could have been a bit longer. Curtis is still working on losing those 30 pounds for his next open-heart surgery and whatever he is doing is working.
This Monday, my office redo will be completed. I am removing a ‘murphy bed’ to add more bookcases to house my university books. The new toilets arrived and will be installed on Thursday. I can only hope I have no further expenditures for the year. This Sunday, I must put some serious effort into preparing my taxes. Please, Buddha, do not let happen to my office redo and loo installs what happened with some of M Ross's redo!
As to genealogy, I have been adding to the Canadian Gager/Draper line and discovered a family connection! Nathan Gager (1832-1870) was married to Diana Sprague as his second wife. I am a Sprague descendant (as is Chris F) and it turns out that Diana Sprague is my 6th cousin 5x removed!
I work between these Gager/Draper lines and that of the Buckinghamshire Baldwins of the early 16th century because, frankly, these Baldwins are a crap-tangle! I must work very carefully as several of these profiles are poorly and/or incorrectly sourced. I am finding that even sources can be incorrect! For example, The Visitation of Worcestershire, 1569 has Robert Pakington (London mercer) wed to Alice, daughter of Sir John Baldwin, MP. Robert WAS NOT married to Alice; he was married to Agnes (alias Ann; Katherine Baldwin). Alice Baldwin was the last Abbess of Burnham Abbey (so…never married). I have Sir John’s and Alice’s probate records. They both outlived Agnes, and Alice outlived Sir John, but not by much. After I get these biographies in order (as much as possible), I will beg for help from the England Team (pre-1500 certified) to help clean up the Dormers, a major crap-tangle. Sir John’s wife Agnes was a Dormer.
Pip, thank you as always for wrangling the chat! Your comments are so supportive and are models for, well, ‘role modeling.’ And to all my fellow Chatterers, I hope you enjoy a happy, healthy and productive last weekend in February 2023.