Help Locate info on Peggy June Snyder - Parents Harvey and Hazel Snyder.

+3 votes


birth 1933 Ohio
residence 1940 Ward 4, Van Wert City, Pleasant Township, Van Wert, Ohio, United States




in Genealogy Help by
Thank you VERY MUCH Bill Jennings for your very prompt and accurate response!!!

I have tried tracking Peggy June Snyder down before(she was a very good childhood friend of my older brothers growing up in Ohio). I had tried several times and never got anywhere. And the thing that amazes me is all this information used to be free, and now there are so many pay walls erected that a person would go broke getting any information.

Like you say Bill - I can't find any record of marriage for her, no record of her mother other than the 1940 census, and no date of death for Peggy June Synder. The key as you say is finding her married name - and I haven't had any luck with that at all. I'll have my brother who lives in Ohio do as you suggest and see if he can find additional information.

Thanks again very much Bill Jennings.

1 Answer

+1 vote
Find a grave has a memorial (#31491123) for a Harvey L Snyder.  Born 1904 (matching 1940 census above) and married to a Hazel E. Snyder with an inscription on it that says Married July 21, 1927.  He died in 1982.

He is buried in Spencerville Cemetery in Allen County, OH, USA.

It's possible you could request a death certificate from Ohio for Harvey, and you may learn from the "informant" more information: and it may have been his daughter Peggy June.  Or Peggy (and a married name).

I find it challenging to find out information about women (who are likely married) and in the modern timeframe - as there are definite privacy issues/laws/restrictions.

Good luck!
by Bill Jennings G2G6 (9.4k points)

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