I would love to have some help figuring out who my paternal great-grandfather was

+5 votes
My father's mother was a wonderful lady named Rosetta Setser before she married my grandfather. There's no written record that I can find of who her father was. Checked birth and death records and marriage certificate. No father is ever mentioned. Just looking for ideas
in Genealogy Help by Steve Tye G2G Crew (310 points)
retagged by Ellen Smith

1 Answer

+8 votes
Best answer
Hi Steve, I have added the 1940, 1950 censuses to Rosetta's profile page. She was residing in the home of her grandfather, Edward Setser. Then, I added her birth registration in 1931. Only her mother is listed on that - Ethel Setser. So it appears that Rosetta was illegitimate. If you haven't already, I suggest that you take a DNA test. For an autosomal test take an Ancestry test. Their data base is much larger than the others. Then, if you get some clues from that, take a Y-DNA test and that has to be from FamilyTreeDNA as they are the only company that tests Y and mtChrondrial.

I would research the mother, Ethel, and her parents and find as many sources as you can and post those to their profiles. It helps to know as much as possible about the family. Do the same for Rosetta's siblings and her aunts and uncles. You will develop family groups and you can see on the census records the neighbors and see who witnessed marriages and witnessed deeds and other records. It all will help.
by Virginia Fields G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
selected by Daniel Bly
Thank you, Daniel, for the answer "star"! I appreciate it and I hope my answer was a help for Steve.

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