New member introducing myself

+10 votes
Hello. My name is Benjamin Andres Garcia.

I am requesting any information about the following surnames Garcia USA, McNamee Jamaica, Sinclair Jamaica, Bancroft - Jamaica Shaw - Jamaica and Pernett Panama.

I have Cuban born parents. My paternal ancestors' surnames were Garcia and unknown (USA) and McNamee and Sinclair (Jamaica).

My maternal surname is Bancroft. My maternal ancestors were Panama (Pernett) and Jamaica (Bancroft and Shaw. I have taken DNA tests with Ancestry, 23and me and Family Tree DNA.

I look forward to learning and working with this gropu to learn more about genealogy in general and my ancestral lineage. Thank you

WikiTree profile: Benjamin Garcia
in The Tree House by Benjamin Garcia G2G Crew (760 points)

1 Answer

+6 votes
Welcome aboard, Benny!

Start adding your family branches beginning with your parents and grandparents with all of the info you have and sources, wherever possible. Then come back here to the forum and post links or ID numbers if you need any tips or assistance. If you do have questions, add surname and location tags to your post. This will get the attention of members with experience in those areas.

Good luck with your research and enjoy your journey into the past!
by Peggy Watkins G2G6 Pilot (951k points)

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