New member introducing myself

+10 votes
Hi everyone! My name is Jenn and I am a new member here. I am learning as I go so I do appreciate tips and corrections to the information I am adding.

I have been an active family history researcher for the last 20+ years, but began my family history interest as a teenager. I love research challenges and have just been informed that my husband's application to the GSMD has been accepted.

I have primarily Norwegian and Germanic European roots that begin in US in the 19th century, while my husband has many ancestors from the UK and northern Europe that began arriving in the US during the 17th century.

I am the vice president of my local genealogy group (which is struggling mightily since 2020), and have a facebook page and a blog where I share my research with family and friends.

I am loving this site so far and appreciate the dedication to sources and accuracy that I am finding here!

Looking forward to learning from all y'all very much!
WikiTree profile: J WItzel
in The Tree House by J WItzel G2G Crew (440 points)

2 Answers

+5 votes

Hello J WItzel  and Welcome

you are off to a great start with wanting more accuracy in your sources. that's what WikiTree stresses and shows you how to do. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask. Your question(s) will be met with experienced genealogists.

Enjoy the WikiTree Community

by Beth Schmillen G2G6 Mach 5 (54.7k points)
+5 votes
Welcome aboard, Jenn!

You may want to check out the project list. Projects are a great way to learn more, discover new resources and collaborate with other members. There's projects for countries around the world and numerous topics. The project list can be found under the Find drop down menu.
by Peggy Watkins G2G6 Pilot (949k points)

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