Am I related to the explorer Robert Falcon Scott?

+5 votes
My grandfather has recently passed. His middle name was Falcon as is mine. I was told that the British Arctic explorer Robert Falcon Scott is out namesake and that he is my grandfather's Uncle. I've tried doing some research, but I can't find much information on Scott's siblings. Would really like to know if there is any truth to this. Sidenote: my mother's maiden name is Scott.
WikiTree profile: Skyler Hinkle
in The Tree House by Skyler Hinkle G2G Crew (300 points)

One way to find out would be to start adding your known family (I think you may need to upgrade your membership first), and working upwards and outwards from there.  Here is the profile for Robert Falcon Scott.

I'll try this, unfortunately I don't have much info at all about my mother's side of the family, dobs birthplaces and even names seem to be very hard to come by.
I think we all experience this at times.  We get stuck on someone where there seem to be few records, or there are too many records because it's a common name for the place.
However, the name you're looking for isn't as common as "James Smith" (one of my ancestors!), so we might have better luck finding some records.  (See my other comment, below.)

4 Answers

+6 votes
What is your grandfathers name and dob
by K Smith G2G6 Pilot (453k points)
My grandfather's name is Francis Falcon Scott, and unfortunately I don't have his DOB. I have very little info about him, he was a very strange and withdrawn man. Maybe I could get that info from my mother, but she's very difficult to get in contact with.
Yea Melanie is right. You need to upgrade your status and begin with your parents, then grandparents and so forth. The information is available, but you have to have a beginning.

Having approximate dates, and a place of birth, or death, would give us all somewhere to start with helping you find the information.  So, the more you can tell us, the more we can tell you!  smiley

+6 votes

Hi, Skyler

Thank you for being a Guest Member of WikiTree.  Check out the Membership info and consider upgrading.  WikiTree is always 100% free, and you might find many cousins in WikiTree to help you add profiles to the one-world tree.

Other members have given you great advice, so check that out.

 Welcome!  We look forward to working with you!

by Living Moore G2G6 Pilot (220k points)
+6 votes

Is this your grandfather, born 5 January 1931 Los Angeles son of Louis James Scott and Eleanor Annie Scott? His father's naturalization is here:

by Andrew Millard G2G6 Pilot (221k points)
+8 votes

To help you get started, this link is to the FamilySearch/Family Tree profile of Robert Falcon Scott’s father, unfortunately not too much on relatives.

The family group has numerous sources, but everything should be verified before accepting it as correct.

If the family lore is correct, one of Robert Falcon Scott’s brothers would be your great grandfather. He had one brother, and apparently a half-brother.


I cannot see the link to posed by Andrew, but that could possibly prove or disprove the connection.

by George Fulton G2G6 Pilot (738k points)

That link you mention might be the same as Maybe.  (As best I can see past the "accept all our cookies or we will block you from viewing" notice - the names match.)

Skyler's relationship to Robert Falcon Scott, the explorer, does not need to be through his brothers, but could be from the next generation up - if it exists at all.  Only research will tell us which.  smiley

Family lore can also embellish relationships---uncle sounds more "impressive" than cousin

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