Do you have a Pereira in your branches?

+10 votes

Do you have a Pereira in your branches? If so, I would love it if you would help me sticker profiles for my One Name Study (ONS). I will be starting on Pereiras found in Madeira, and then the Açores - but any Pereira can be added to the study.

WikiTree profile: Space:Pereira_Name_Study
in Requests for Project Volunteers by Mindy Silva G2G Astronaut (1.1m points)

9 Answers

+9 votes
I indeed have Pereira's in my family. I will add to WikiTree and sticker who I have. Also, I have different variations of this name.
by A Gott G2G1 (1.0k points)
Great! Thank you A!
+8 votes
Dozens of Pereira's in my tree on my paternal grandmother's branch!
by Kim Hunkeler G2G2 (2.6k points)

Hiya Cousin Kim! I'm sure there are plenty. laugh

+8 votes
There are some Pereira's in Oregon and Washington who are descended from:

Joseph Antone Pereira

1880–1945 • LZN2-P8P

Who was from the Acores Islands and immigrated to Oregon.  I don't think they are in WikiTree yet though.
by Erik Granstrom G2G6 Mach 5 (59.3k points)
Do you want to add them Erik?
Yes someday I plan on adding them to WikiTree.  Though lately I guess I mostly like to add people to existing trees so they will not start off as an unconnected profile.  So often that means taking some notes on how I connect to someone and some various WT, FS and Geni profiles to check and research a bit before I start adding them to WT.

In this case I know a Pereira who is a customer at my seasonal business at the family farm (Christmas Wreath Fundraisers) and his father was adopted into the Pereira family as a child.  So the above mentioned Joseph Antone Pereira is the step great grandfather of my friend, though he was born a Pereira as his father had taken the last name when adopted.

I am distant cousins a few ways with my friend via his biological ancestors so it's always interesting researching someone you know's family history.

I always enjoy the connections.  

But if anyone wants to start entering this family group feel free, there are lots of interesting Perira's to add and connect into the WikiTree World Tree.

It is so great that you have that family story! I've started a profile for him, and added his baptism record. It is quite hard to read.

+8 votes
I have from my fathers side of the family.

I will include them here also.
by Sebastião Pereira G2G1 (1.8k points)

Thank you Sebastião! Every bit of help is appreciated. I'd love to see more Pereira ancestors on WikiTree. heart

+8 votes
Steve Perry of the band journey, his real last name is Pereira.
by Nanette Rohrbaugh G2G6 Mach 4 (45.7k points)
Ooh, that one is good Nanette! I'll have to see if he has a profile.
One additional research note regarding Steve Perry, it was his dad that changed the name so Steve LNAB is actually Perry.
+6 votes
I have a Pereira on Alentejo, Portugal.

Hopefully Will be adding it soon, how do I endorse ir to you?
by Rui Almada Barão da Cunha G2G4 (4.1k points)
That's great Rui! Do you want to add a Portugal sticker? Or add the project to the profile?
Hi Mindy as I am a total noob, can you please elaborate on both options?
I believe I already have done what you ask. So I have now the 3 Pereira's profiles identified with the project. I am searching for some more hints with FamilySearch on the Pereira from Alentejo (1 profile). As for the Pereira's in Lisbon City (2 profiles) that might end up to be originated out of Lisbon, I have them in MyHeritage. Feel free to have a look at my tree.
+7 votes
Dear Pereiras'!

I found one profile that I am sure is interesting for all of us, studying the Pereira surname in Azores and Alentejo.

According to FamilySearch, this person was Born in the Azores (Faial) and the Christening was in Alentejo (Évora district):

Sidenote: This made me recall History classes that Azores Islands were populated with people from all over the kingdom (mainland), but mostly from Alentejo. Moreover and later on, Azoreans were invited in exchange for land and one "junta de bois" (literally a couple of bulls/cows) to populate the southern Brazil border. In Santa Catarina Island, Santa Catarina State, there is an Azorean fisherman's village where they are really proud of their roots.
by Rui Almada Barão da Cunha G2G4 (4.1k points)
+4 votes
I am 2 cousin 4 x removed to the Visconde Francisco José de Paiva Pereira. Portuguese Ambassador to the court of Napoleon III.
by Eddie Bosano-Andrews G2G6 (8.7k points)
edited by Eddie Bosano-Andrews
That's great Eddie. What a fun connection.
It's a fascinating branch of my family. The story is intertwined with the move of the Portuguese Court to Brazil in 1807.
+5 votes
Yes, there are some in my husband's family - happy to add stickers for them.
by Christine Pike G2G6 Mach 9 (92.8k points)
Thanks Christine! Where are his Pereira ancestors from?
New Zealand and Australia, originating from France.

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