Wikitree Intro Training for Mayflower Society Members?

+17 votes
As some of you may or may not know, I recently completed my Mayflower Society Membership and found that Wikitree (along with other sites) was invaluable in helping me identify my correct path to a Mayflower passenger.

What I would like to do is create a brief "Intro to Wikitree" for my local society. I already have several ideas on what to include, but am seeking input from those that are already society members on Wikitree, and Wikitree leadership. A large percentage of my local society colony are not aware of the benefits of Wikitree. So any suggestions will be greatly appreciated and considered. I am looking to make this a PowerPoint type presentation of about 10-15 minutes in length.

One of the things I intend to include will be examples of the different browsers vs. using chrome and the wikitree extensions.

Any thoughts?
in The Tree House by Ken Parman G2G6 Pilot (135k points)

3 Answers

+13 votes
Best answer
I have found WikiTree to be a difficult sell to the uninitiated and to not so tech savvy folks.  If I give a presentation to 20 - 30 society members, I have found about 1- 2 people to actually start using it.   If I am a member of the society and can work with them I only increase that number by another 2 or 3.

I would start with just an overview of some of the more basic and useable features for those who only know the world of Ancestry and Family Search.  WikiTree is a paradigm change and uncomfortable for many.  WikiTree attacts the curious and those looking to expand their capablities.  I found most society members are really not that well versed in genealogical methodology or any advanced tools for research.  They just look on Ancestry and go with that.

Basically your first presentation will cull the curious and capable from the group.  That is the group that you can work with to turn into WikiTreers.  If you are a member of the group then set up a WikiTree workshop for after your presentation.  Then you can really get into what WikiTree can do for them.
by Michael Stills G2G6 Pilot (550k points)
selected by Ken Parman

I plan on just a top level overview focused on the Mayflower Society. Many of the folks have been society members for years and definitely will fit into what you said (there might even be some BC -before computers folks there), but at our meeting yesterday, there were about 50 members there and several were guests just trying to see if they fit in.

I like the idea though about having a workshop for those interested.  I also plan on including a list of some of the better YouTube videos out there.

Thanks again!
+8 votes

I'm introducing WT to my DAR chapter, and decided a project was the way to go.  We have a web page that lists our "Patriot Ancestors" and I've proposed we make sure there are profiles for everyone on the list with at least minmal information and sources, and categorize them as NSDAR Patriot Ancestors.  We can then post the page with links to each ancestor's profile.

I went this route for several reasons:

  • Members can dip in their toes and start with a single profile
  • If members aren't interested in learning the technical aspects of WT, they are welcome to provide text files with sourced biographical information and people more interested in the project can copy and paste and format in WT.
  • The Ancestor Explorer App has a list/criteria for "American Revolution" and can be a great recruiting/application tool.  Members were excited to learn about additional ancestors/lines and the prospect of using the tool for other societies (like the Mayflower Society)
  • The project is large enough for a significant number of participants, but can also be completed in several months with a dedicated core of volunteers.
  • I printed out handouts with sample profiles, screenshots from Ancestor Explorer, 
It's early days, so I can't comment too much on the success of my plan, but I send out links to profiles as they are updated and hope to build interest and participation.
If anyone is interested in doing something similar with their groups, please contact me and we can work together, individually or as a small group, to record best practices/ideas.  
by Leslie Lapham G2G6 Mach 1 (13.1k points)
Thanks Leslie!

You've got some great Ideas there!
+6 votes
I am descended from William and Mary Brewster or the Mayflower.

However since Ebenezer Brewster and his brother William abandoned their spouses in 1729 and moved to the Oblong area of the border of New York and Connecticut and had children by other women.

It's very hard to prove that the children from Ebenezer by the woman named Zelpha are actually Ebenezer Brewster's.

Wikitree has been extremely helpful in showing proof of the relationship and confirming that.

Although I am not a member of the Mayflower Society and may never get into it via the Brewster line. I am totally satisfied with the wikitree documentation
by Bobby Rawls G2G2 (2.5k points)
edited by Bobby Rawls

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