Florida/Knowles expertise needed

+5 votes

So I'm working on a profile that seemed perfectly harmless (for a notable, anyway). I'm trying to connect Herman William Nickel to the main tree (because I'm working on Nickels this month). His Wikipedia entry says that William married Phyllis Fritchey, so a quick search turned up her entry in Find A Grave. (Both their names are on the same headstone, so I don't know why Find A Grave hadn't already made that connection.) A note on Phyllis' entry says that her father was Clayton Fritchey. It turns out that there's a Clayton Fritchey listed on Wikipedia, who spent a lot of time in the Washington area (Phyllis was born in Baltimore), so that matches, and Phyllis' mother's name matches the name of the first wife of Clayton Fritchey, so I think I'm on to something here.

Now Clayton's second wife,
Mary Ellis "Polly" (Knowles) Wisner had previously been married to Frank Wisner, who is also listed on Wikipedia. (I've noticed before that an awful lot of notables are fairly closely connected to one another, although Wikipedia often doesn't pick up on those connections.)

But when searching for "Mary Ellis Knowles", I got a hit on Mary Davis (Ellis) Knowles' profile here on WikiTree. Now Mary Ellis was born in North Carolina, but she married William H. Knowles, who was born in Florida, and their daughter Josephine was born in Pensacola in 1889. (Mary Knowles was born in Pensacola in 1912.) Now since, in some families, it's very common to give the mother's Last Name At Birth to a child as their middle name, I can't help but wonder if there's some kind of connection between Mary (Ellis) Knowles and Mary Ellis (Knowles) Fritchey.

WikiTree profile: Mary Fritchey
in The Tree House by Greg Slade G2G6 Pilot (772k points)

P.S. If anybody finds any more sources for Herman William Nickel, please go ahead and add them. His profile is looking pretty sad with nothing better than Find A Grave and Wikipedia.

3 Answers

+5 votes
Deleted what I initially wrote. Mary Davis Ellis here on Wikitree was indeed the daughter of Governor John Willis Ellis of North Carolina. Her middle name is actually DAVES after her mother's maiden name. I added sources to her husband and will do so now to her profile.
by Nancy Thomas G2G6 Pilot (285k points)
edited by Nancy Thomas

From the dates, I'm guessing that Mary Ellis (Knowles) Fritchey might have been the daughter of one of the three sons listed in Mary Daves (Ellis) Kowles' obituary on Find A Grave.

John Ellis Knowles, son of Mary Daves Ellis Knowles, had a daughter, Mary E. who apparently married Clayton Fritche. (sic) I cannot see the obituary for John Ellis Knowles because I don't have a Newspaper.com subscription. It's here. I'll keep looking to get a better source.

I added a source  to Mary Knowles Fritchey's porfile. Her parents were John Ellis Knowles and Marion Burbank. She is indeed the granddaughter of Mary Daves Ellis Knowles.

I created a basic profile for her father John Ellis Knowles

Great. That connects Herman William Nickel to the main tree through two different paths, which is always better.

+5 votes
C. Phyllis Fritchey Nickel of Tucson is mentioned in her father’s obituary. also supported by 1940 census and her SS application
by S Stevenson G2G6 Pilot (282k points)

I see that Find A Grave is still trying to catch up with all the suggested edits, but eventually, Clayton, Naomi, and Phyllis should all be connected together.

+3 votes
Phyllis Fritchey Nickel is connected on her mother's side.

by Mark Burch G2G6 Pilot (233k points)

Thank you for creating a profile for her, Mark. I don't know if there's a genealogical term for it, but I can't help but think that adding in these profiles that connect existing profiles (that may already be connected to the main tree in other ways) makes WikiTree better. At the very least it makes it more accurate, but I'm thinking that a whole bunch of people will find certain connection numbers getting smaller and have no idea why.

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