We Will RAWK You Event (March 2023)

+20 votes

Nominations have been made, a team of volunteers has been assembled, and five lucky WikiTree members have been randomly selected to have the team work on their branches.  In other words, get ready to RAWK!!!!

As part of our 15th Anniversary celebration in 2023, we're introducing the new We Will RAWK You event. It's a lot like the WikiTree Challenge except that this time our goal is to increase the CC7 for five fellow WikiTree members.

RAWK stands for Random Acts of WikiTreer Kindness.

Our first We Will RAWK You event kicks off on March 1.  Everyone who signed up to help with research will have one month to see how much they can increase the CC7 numbers for the five selected WikiTreers.

Since this event is pure WikiTree Kindness, there are no points or bounties.  However, we'd like to collect links to interesting profiles or finds for the research done on each person's branches.  Our five WikiTree members who are getting RAWKED are each listed below in their own answer to this post.  Let's collect our noteworthy discoveries in the comments to each of these answers.

in The Tree House by Betsy Ko G2G6 Pilot (180k points)
reshown by Eowyn Langholf

5 Answers

+15 votes

Gill Whitehouse  

Calling all those experienced in English research!

by Betsy Ko G2G6 Pilot (180k points)
edited by Betsy Ko

Victor James Senior (degree 5) served in the Royal Tank Regiment and was awarded the Military Cross with bar.

His profile could do with some love from somebody with more knowledge/experience of military profiles (particularly British forces in WW2).

Thanks for adding him Ruth! He died in Limerick, Ireland apparently, aged 91. I can find an obituary but not a record.

Oh, in that case the death record I've put there is wrong. I'll look further this evening.
+16 votes
Most of Bart's ancestry is in The Netherlands and quite complete. He thinks it will be difficult for non-Dutch researchers to break brick walls or add family in the 16 century, but stands ready to be amazed. :-)  He also asked for some help from members who can research in England and Scotland to help with the profile of his uncle Ray McCabe who passed away in Glasgow in 2014.
by Betsy Ko G2G6 Pilot (180k points)


* Johanna Molier  CC7

* Death date for Gelijn Molier  CC7

Added a source and some hints from geni to Uncle Ray, his purported father (and mom and a couple siblings) has a profile,  https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/McCabe-4144 but I dont have any sources, so didnt connect yet. Info seems to mostly agree, just needs a paper trail.

+17 votes

Cindy Cooper 

Cindy has Acadian and Quebecois ancestry, but is especially hopeful that RAWKers can help with her mother's German lines.  Her husband also has Norwegian lines that could help increase her CC7.

by Betsy Ko G2G6 Pilot (180k points)
edited by Betsy Ko

A potential clue for Johann Heinrich Christian Täger ( https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Taeger-10

Since his grandson was born in Braunschweig, I assumed JHC Träger might have been residing in this city too, and since he died in 1851 I looked to the address book of Braunschweig for 1850.

I found "Heinrich Täger", a former Innkeeper, with a residence on a street called "Hagenscharrn". There is a German Wikipedia article about this street (pretty important street if is has a Wikipedia article?!) https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hagenscharrn and even a map that shows the city and the street in 1789 with a house bearing the same number (=2087) as in the address book from 61 years later. 

I have added my findings under research notes. It might obviously not be related to the person mentioned in the profile, as we have no information about the birth place, death place or residence yet. 

That is so very interesting, Sven. I was also hoping to work on this line, but after a quick look, it seems daunting to me. Then I got distracted because her tree crosses mine in Quebec (the father's side). I added to my own CC7 and realized it is not helping Cindy, lol. Then I found some records that were hard to read, but I found some Langelier ancestors that I think are new to researchers.
Since her husband is still alive, we needed his grandparents:



+16 votes
Gaile would love help with her lines involving Jewish ancestors living in Hungary, Lithuania, Ukraine, and maybe a few other countries in the region.  The time period she is stalled at is the late 1800’s.
by Betsy Ko G2G6 Pilot (180k points)
When you search for BREZNIKER in the LitvakSIG database (https://www.litvaksig.org/) records come up that don't when you search on BREZNIK. I'm fairly confident that some of these are for Gaile's family (e.g Leib Breznik's death record).

I did send a private message to Gaile about this, but I'm not sure if she received it.
Joke, thank you so much for that!  Gaile is currently busy finalising arrangements (at last (it has been 2 years)) for her late husband's funeral in a couple of weeks.
(Setting things up for family to attend, accommodation for all near Arlington National Cemetery (I believe it is), and so on.  (This is public knowledge she has posted elsewhere on g2g, so I am not breaking any confidence.)  

She will get back to you when she has a spare moment or two.
Thanks Melanie. Didn't know that. Makes total sense that she doesn't have time for Wikitree stuff at the moment.

I did get an email from her in response to a query from me, so she is still attending to things related to WT when she can. 
But this is an emotional time for her, as it has been a 2-year long "battle" with those in charge of arranging for military funerals, and now also with the funeral home regards the "ceremonial flag" they were to have supplied.

I am sure she will respond to you when she checks her email.  smiley
(I'm also pretty sure she will be thrilled with the information!)

+16 votes
Erin is so close to pushing her CC7 over 500.  She has ancestry going back several generations in the United States.  Starting at the level of her second great-grandparents, there are many unknown locations for her ancestors.
by Betsy Ko G2G6 Pilot (180k points)
Since her mother is living, I've asked Erin for her mother's parents' profile IDs.  See below.

As for the male line, how many ways are there to misspell Soltysiak?
60 gazillion plus one.

What sort of help do you need for English sources?  What's the time frame?

Here are the lines:



  • Floyd Taylor-79177
  • Mark Gerard Zeller-1102
  • Ethel Fitch-3476.
On Delia, the birth location says "Ireland, Orkney, Scotland", but the census records say "Ireland", which would be understandably confused by the census-taker. So we may need to look in both locations to figure out which is correct.
Mary McGrath's profile has a birth location of "Londoonn".  Where does this information come from.  Her son's death certificate says "Ireland".
My errrorrrrr

Not enough o's!   cheeky

I found nothing, but then rabbits lured me away.

If anyone can pick up Erin's Italia line from Nicholas Zampini Sr  and Teresa DeFazio Norberg that would be great.  They are sitting at 5 degrees in her CC7.

All children and grand children are entered as far as we can go due to some living.

.... I've asked Chris Ferraiolo to look into these Italian Lines.

Erin's CC7 is now over 1000 yes

interesting finds: [[Shannon-5447|Sinon Shannon]] was enumerated twice in 1911 Ireland census. 1st with his parents and siblings at Dysert, Kilrush, Clare, then again with his maternal grandparents James and mary Mcgrath also at Dysert,(Dysart) Kilrush. Also, the same Sinon Shannon petitoned in 1929 to be Naturalised in the United States. the 2 Witnesses were his future brother in law and his future wife, John P Downes and Mary Downes respectively. Sinon and Mary married the following year in Virginia.

Erin's spouse has a Great Uncle tragically killed in Vietnam.   An ambush and crossfire in a graveyard. This was a hard profile to write up.  

Johnny Williams

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