There seems to be duplicate or unclear regimental categories. [closed]

+3 votes
There is a Category for 313th Infantry Regiment, United States Army (plain) and a Category for 313th Infantry Regiment, United States Army, World War II.  My father's profile uses the latter and the former has one profile listed in it.  Having seen the apparent chaos in the Army's naming scheme (they need a librarian), I'm not surprised but maybe something a little clearer can be done in WikiTree?
WikiTree profile: Space:313th_Infantry_Regiment
closed with the note: Sufficient clear responses
in WikiTree Help by Lorraine O'Dell G2G6 Mach 6 (64.1k points)
closed by Lorraine O'Dell
As Darren said, they are named that way to support stickers. Also, regiments can change, become absorbed by other units, etc. For regiments, there is usually a "main" category to use if a person served in the unit during  peacetime, and when there is a profile in need of the war category, they are created.

Yes, there is some chaos in the category system, but with hundreds of categories created/edited every day, we do the best we can to keep it at bay.
Thank you.  More chaos, as you indicated, in the military unit naming schema as I discovered when creating the free space pages for a couple of units for those that family members were in.  They need a librarian but their unit names probably have more to do with their org chart and command assignments than logic.

1 Answer

+4 votes
The reasoning behind having categories with World War II, World War I and other conflicts is because of stickers. There are various military conflict stickers that end up generating a category from the information people enter into the template. That means the categories need to be named a certain way in order for the stickers to display right and add the correct category.
by Darren Kellett G2G6 Pilot (551k points)
I understand the first part of that but didn't realize that the creation of stickers generates a category. As a retired librarian, the categories should be the framework. I've already contacted the Categorization Project about that.  Thank you for the response.
Whom did you contact? The project has no leader at the time, and Darren and I are both experienced members. Additionally, I am the Military and War leader, so I'm in a position to help.
The Project page lists Amy Gilpin as Project leader so I sent her a private msg that she emailed me she'll share with the project members.  So, there's a 313rd Infantry Regiment, plain, and one for World War II.  I didn't check to see if there's one for World War I.  I have a free space page for the plain one, as indicated.  There's a similar historical change for the 79th "Cross of Lorraine" Division which was part of the 313rd.  I also have a free space page for that.  They're both Categories on my father's profile.

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