England born Sgt. Thomas Rich (1835 - 1907) 106th N.Y. Co. C. “Gall Stones”

+5 votes

Hi Wikitreers,

We have English born Sgt. Thomas Rich (middle name unknown) who was a veteran of the glorious 106th New York Regiment Company C. He apparently passed away from complications of his “Gall Stone” surgery. He was recently merged and improvements to profile have been made however; many more questions about who he was married to and his children need answering. The pension mentions a Mary H. Rich. Who were his wives and children? What was his occupation? Etc.

Any further improvements is appreciated

Thank you

WikiTree profile: Thomas Rich
in Genealogy Help by Andrew Simpier G2G6 Pilot (832k points)
retagged by Andrew Simpier

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