Should the profile of a person who died in 2021 be an orphaned profile?

+6 votes

David Donald Leighr (1948-2021) was an active Wikitreer. His profile has a Closed Account Sticker.  

WikiTree profile: David Leighr
in WikiTree Tech by Maryann Hurt G2G6 Mach 9 (92.7k points)
retagged by Maryann Hurt
I can see his profile has - no profile manager - and is now an open profile. Isn't it problematic that his wife (who is evidently living, unless proven otherwise) is posted, with picture, and other personal history. How is this normally handled as the profile's contents were previously protected due to his ownership? Going forward I would like to know.
His wife is a family member, so it is perfectly OK for her profile to not be unlisted.  Private is the correct level for living members.
that he is showing like that is actually in contradiction with the sticker on there, which states ''their account has been anonymized and is now closed.,,,''
That sticker probably can be removed, but the memoriam one should stay right where it is.

1 Answer

+4 votes
That does seem strange. If you don't get any response here, contact the Wikitree team by email at info @ (no spaces).
by Peggy Watkins G2G6 Pilot (909k points)

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