Join US Black Heritage Connecting Challenge--March 2023 [closed]

+18 votes

      US Black Heritage Project's

        Connecting Challenge

       We're off to a great start!

 We met the US Black Heritage Project's goal of reaching 150,000 African-American profiles in the year 2022 early! Now we're well on our way to hitting our 2023 goal of 250,000 profiles and we'll help reach it by continuing the Connecting Challenge. It is similar to the WikiTree Connect-a-Thon with a few exceptions. Please read our challenge space page for all the rules.

Who can participate? Any WikiTree member who has upgraded from guest and has signed the honor code

Start/End: This Challenge is a month long. We begin on the first of each month and end at midnight EST on the last day of each month.

A participant sticker will be available to all members who join in for at least one of the months. Special stickers will be awarded to all participants who create at least 25 profiles in a month. A Winner's sticker will be given to the top contributor each month.

To Partipate:

  • Read the rules please!
  • Click on the "answer" button below my name on this post to declare you want to participate.
  • Start with an existing profile and create a family member attached to that profile. Keep adding as many family members up, down, and sideways on the tree as you can. Each new profile is one point.
  • Make sure the research is correct! Use primary documents to find and prove relationships.
  • Add the {{African-American Sticker}} to any profiles of Black Americans who lived in the USA, so the project can keep track of the profiles and honor their heritage.
  • Add at least one strong source to every profile.
  • Use the Challenge Tracker to keep track of every new profile you create for this challenge. It will count the total for you automatically. If you discover you forgot to track some, you can list them here to count.
  • Repeat.
  • If you are working on enslaved ancestors, every new slave profile you link to a slave owner using the USBH Project's guidelines, counts as a connected profile. See the Heritage Exchange Portal for more information.

Have questions? Please ask.

Only have time for a few profiles? Please join us! Every contribution gets us closer to our goal.

Do you need some profiles to get you started? 

If you are already on the WikiTree Discord server, you should have access to the US Black Heritage Connecting Challenge channel. If you can't access it, please send me a message.

Thanks for growing our tree!

  • Our February Challenge total: 5295
  • Total count of profiles as of February 26: 182,406 
  • February Winners: Kate Schmidt, Emma MacBeath, Nanette Pezzutti, Karen Lowe, Miyako Jones
closed with the note: See our April challenge:
in The Tree House by Emma MacBeath G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
closed by Emma MacBeath

31 Answers

+14 votes
Our numbers are looking great! Keep up the great work. I have several families I"m currently working on, so I'll keep expanding them this month.
by Emma MacBeath G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)

Hi Emma,

About a week ago there was a short video about Isaac Johnson that aired on a local television station and was made available online.  That inspired me to create a profile for Isaac - Johnson-133696 - and his wife, Theadocia Allen, and their family.  I am still working on adding profiles.

Many years ago I read Isaac Johnson's 1901 book, Slavery Days in Old Kentucky, that tells the story of his childhood.  It was reprinted by our local St. Lawrence County Historical Association in 1994.  As an adult, Isaac became a master stone mason and built several important public buildings and bridges in our area.  One of them is the old Waddington Town Hall, featured in the video.  This morning I went by this historic building and also crossed the stone-arch bridge at Chamberlain Corners on the way.

Best wishes,

Bill Hull

Thanks for creating that profile and his family! I added a couple of categories and the {{African-American Sticker}} Can you make sure his family has the sticker too? It's the only way we can find and count our profiles. Thanks!

Hi Emma,

Thanks for your reply.  Actually, I would rather not label people with the sticker, although I will leave the one you placed on Isaac's profile.

Last night I had the unexpected pleasure of attending a performance by the Laurentian Singers at the old Waddington Town Hall.  This was the second time I have attended one of their performances at this historic building.

The Waddington Museum has now been moved to the old town hall, and they have a chair that Isaac Johnson made and gave to a friend.  They also have historic photos of the town hall and a photo of Isaac's family.  If possible and with their permission, I will scan the photo to add to the profiles.


Hi Bill, the sticker is a standard for all profiles with Black heritage on WikiTree and they only way we can find them. It has been approved and very much liked by descendants who also add it to their own profiles. If you don't add the sticker to the profiles, they don't get counted and they don't show up in any of the reports we run to help us with our work.

Hi Emma,

If descendants of Isaac Johnson wish to add the sticker to their ancestor's profiles, that is fine with me.  When Isaac's book, Slavery Days in Old Kentucky, was reprinted in 1994, local historians contacted some of Isaac's grandchildren or great grandchildren, and the historians were asked not to divulge their identities.  I will honor that request as well.

There was a woman from a prominent family who grew up in Ogdensburg that was in the same age group as Isaac Johnson & Theadocia Allen.  I don't know if she ever met the couple.  This woman married and moved away, was widowed at a young age and inherited a huge fortune.  Acting as a wonderful philanthropist, she donated the major funding to establish the Eugenics Records Office at Cold Spring Harbor on Long Island.

According to Wikipedia, the mission of the Eugenics Records Office "was to collect substantial information on the ancestry of the American population, to produce propaganda that was made to fuel the eugenics movement, and to promote the idea of race-betterment."

For myself, I truly believe in the words of Han Suyin:  "There is only one race - the human race."  Therefore, I stand firm on my objection to applying these labels.


Hi Bill, 

After reviewing your comments above, I feel I need to share with you my thoughts as an African-American and the mission of the US Black Heritage Project. First, the sticker is not a label, but rather a badge of honor and pride of my heritage. Second, our mission is to connect the African-American descendants with their ancestors. Which is why we need the heritage sticker added to the profiles. This has nothing to do with the eugenics movement or any other propaganda. You may be lucky enough to know your families history, but I, like many others do not know who our ancestors are beyond the 1870 census if they are not documented in the history books. Yes, we are all members of the human race, but with varying ethnicities with exciting stories of our cultures and beliefs, which have shaped this nation. We are examining the past, not looking to change the future. As members of the human race, it is interesting to learn how are we connected. By the way, you and I currently share 25 degrees of separation through 5 family branches. As I continue my research we may become even closer or even discover we are cousins! That has nothing to do with ethnicity. It is what it is!

That being said, I would appreciate you reconsidering your objection to adding the heritage sticker to the profiles of African-Americans so that we can all share in the joy of discovering our ancestors and learning our heritage!

Warm regards!

Hi Denise,

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and insights.  This is a difficult issue for me, as I grew up in a very racist culture in Ohio and have been fighting against the indoctrination all of my life.  Fortunately, my parents were the least racist people I knew back then.  Over the years I have met and made friends with some wonderful people from all over the world, and many Americans with varied ethnic backgrounds.  This has helped tremendously.

I still do not wish to label people, and that is my objection to using these stickers.  Another issue:  Isaac Johnson would have been considered "mulatto" as his mother was from Madagascar, and his father from Ireland (although possibly of Palatine German ancestry).  Isaac's children would have been labeled as "quadroons" in years past, and some of his grandchildren as "octoroons."  Obviously, I do not want to continue such a cruel system.

Lastly, I just listened once again to a wonderful 12-minute speech given by Paul Robeson at Peach Arch Park, Blaine, Washington, on 16 August 1953:

Toward the end he shares his thoughts about the people of the world, with which I concur.

Best wishes,


Bill, we have found the more we have worked with these profiles (our count is now over 183,000), the more we have discovered that heritage is far more complex than Americans think. In other words, African-Americans aren't just African and many people who think they're only European (white) have African heritage that was lost when a family felt the pressure to pass as white.

This is one reason we like to honor all the heritage we can on these profiles. Please don't see it as a label, but a celebration instead. My own profile currently has 8 heritage stickers. The family you mentioned that also has Irish heritage? We would add the African American sticker to that family and the Irish Roots sticker so people can see the full scope of their family roots and be able to celebrate it.

Hi Emma,

Thanks for your additional thoughts.  I appreciate your efforts to celebrate the heritage of various people, but I still do not wish to add the stickers.

I did want to mention that a month or so ago I discovered through WikiTree that my grandfather, George Clements, was a 6th cousin to W. E. B. Du Bois, and that was very exciting to learn.  Back in the late 1990s, I attended a talk by David Graham Du Bois (step son of W. E. B.), and learned some new things about our country and our news media in particular.  That talk was held at Clarkson University in Potsdam, New York.

Maybe five or six years ago I attended a talk at St. Lawrence University in Canton, New York, by Angela Davis.  I was pleasantly surprised that she had a full house (as I didn't think too many younger people would know who she was).  A week or so ago I found out that she is probably related to me through the family of William Brewster of the Mayflower.

All for now,


I’m adding! I hope it’s helping
+11 votes
I will get some profiles added.
by Terry Fillow G2G6 Pilot (106k points)

Thanks, Terry!smiley

+11 votes
I'll work on this
by Katherine Wood G2G6 (7.1k points)

Thanks, Katherine!smiley

+11 votes
I'm in for this month!
by Dallas Manicom G2G6 Mach 1 (12.2k points)

Thanks, Dallas!smiley

+11 votes
I'll add some McNabs.
by Cossy Ksander G2G6 Mach 3 (36.9k points)

Thanks, Cossy!smiley

+11 votes
I'm in too!  Can't stay away.  So many profiles to do, so little time...
by Bartley McRorie G2G6 Pilot (194k points)

Thanks, Bart!smiley Yes, SO many profiles...

+11 votes
Hi, I'm in for March! Makes a restful break from gardening clean up :)
by AM Hayes G2G6 Mach 2 (25.0k points)

Thanks, AM!smiley

+11 votes
Count me in
by Dot Tribble G2G5 (5.2k points)

Thanks, D!smiley

+11 votes
Please add me. Thanks.
by Miyako Jones G2G6 Mach 5 (55.1k points)

Thanks, Miyako!smiley

+11 votes
I’m in, thanks!
by Elaine Martzen G2G6 Pilot (240k points)

Thanks, Elaine!smiley

+11 votes
Hi Emma, I'll work on more profiles this month. Sue
by Susan Pearson G2G6 Mach 1 (19.0k points)

Thanks, Sue!smiley

+11 votes
I'm with ya, thanks Emma!
by Denise E G2G6 Pilot (117k points)

Thanks, Denise!smiley

+12 votes

I am in!

* { background: #36393f !important; color:white !important;}
by Lisa Murphy G2G6 Pilot (373k points)

Thanks, Lisa!smiley

+11 votes
I can do a few this month.
by Richard Rosenberger G2G6 Mach 4 (41.5k points)

Thanks, Richard!smiley

+11 votes
I’m in! (Ps… what is the name of that category for a profile with only one person?) xox
by Charles Uzzell G2G6 Mach 1 (14.5k points)
Thank you! You’re the bestest ever! Xox

Thanks, Charles! smiley And thanks D for the link.

+12 votes

I will.  I'll be working on the family of Christopher B. "Stubb" Stubblefield, founder of Stubb's BBQ. (Notable)

by Randall Merriott G2G6 Mach 1 (12.8k points)
edited by Randall Merriott

Oooh, fun! Thanks, Randallsmiley

+12 votes
Looking forward to getting back into this, now that RootsTech is over.
by Amy Johnson G2G6 Mach 8 (85.6k points)

Thanks, Amy. Welcome back!smiley

+8 votes
I'm participating this month.
by Natalie Trott G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)

Thanks, Natalie!smiley

+8 votes
I will participate.
by Chandra Martin G2G2 (2.8k points)

Thanks Chandra!smiley

+8 votes
Please count me in!
by Suzanne Dyck G2G6 Mach 2 (28.1k points)

Thanks Suzanne!smiley

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