I think it is important to distinguish between G2G points and WT contributions.
As others have said there are many times when a profile is edited, to add sources, or to edit a biography to add information or edit spelling or grammatical errors these are contributions, not G2G points. Sometimes an edit is necessary because something has been missed.
Many people save changes to a profile every time something is changed.
I usually only save changes after I have done everything that is needed at that time. That does mean I have less contributions. But it is my choice to do it that way.
G2G points are for questions, answers, votes up etc in this forum.
Points have nothing to do with editing profiles.
Though having said that I do agree that some members are very interested in accumulating G2G points.
Answering a question with ' great question' or something similar and nothing else is not helpful to the person who asked the question.
Voting up the non answers also collects G2G points.
I am aware of a person who several years ago stated that their intent was to become a G2G pilot in as little time as possible. Quite what the benefit was imagined to be was and is still unknown.
I believe that some people equate a vote up as the equivalent of a like on social media.
When someone answers a question here, I first ask myself if the answer is useful, and depending on the answer I will sometimes look at other answers made by the same person, as a measure of how much the person knows about the topic.
If the answer is about sourcing, biographies, technical details etc, I can look at the profiles that person manages and make my own decision as to their expertise or not with the topic.
In the end getting upset about how others participate on WikiTree isn't a benefit to any of us.