Could the Mayflower sticker template be updated to support multiple passengers

+6 votes

With the current template only one passenger can be listed in a sticker.  Could the template be modified to support multiple ancestors?
Something like this example:
{{Mayflower Descendants|id=Mayflower passengers [[Standish-112| Myles Standish]], [[Warren-66| Richard Warren]] and [[Samson-73| Henry Samson]]}}  

in WikiTree Tech by Darryl Rowles G2G6 Mach 7 (72.9k points)

2 Answers

+6 votes
The original intent of the sticker was to identify a single passenger. The idea being that you could add a new sticker for each passenger you descend from.

If the project wishes, we could add in new parameters that allow for multiple passengers to be identified.
by Steven Harris G2G6 Pilot (811k points)
Could it be changed similar to PGM Descendant which allows multiple people to be included?  Would EditBot be able to change the existing profiles, if that could be done?

Linda, a new parameter can be added for handling multiples, but we would not make a change that would need EditBOT to clean up all the other profiles.

So what is the proper template now for multiple passengers - I have 7 - and can the same thing be done with multiple Jamestowne Qualifying Ancestors ? Is it as in the example at the top of this page?  Thanks !  I saw both of these on someone's profile but haven't been able to find it again.
My profile Carruth-363 has multiple templates for Mayflower passengers. I have the PGM template that allows multiple people to be included in one template
+6 votes

This actually is not a bad idea, especially for married couples like William and Mary Brewster

by Ken Parman G2G6 Pilot (134k points)

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