What would be the reason for errors not to show up on the suggestion list?

+4 votes
I recently started to work on an old gedcom (2012 I think).  The error I'm working is missing span anchors, but the profiles have many more that aren't showing up.  The most obvious are the uncleaned "gedcom junk" and all place names are missing the name of the country.

I feel if these were reporting, these profiles may have attracted more attention these past few years.
in WikiTree Tech by Melissa Jamison G2G6 Mach 7 (73.1k points)

2 Answers

+10 votes
Best answer

One possibility would be that the profile met some but not all of the criteria necessary for the other suggestions to be reported. For example:

Place names missing countries are currently only reported for orphaned profiles (see https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Space:DBE_617#Technical_Stuff)

Gedcom junk is currently only reported if there are at least 3 of the types of "junk" being checked for (see https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Space:DBE_853#Technical_Stuff)

My understanding is that the additional criteria are to keep the number of suggestions reported to a more manageable number. I believe that once a lot of the existing suggestions have been cleared, the checking will then be extended to include more profiles.

by Paul Masini G2G6 Pilot (462k points)
selected by Melissa Jamison
Thank you Paul, that makes a lot of sense.  I had never realized that the "ambiguous location" suggestions were all orphans.  I learned something new!
+4 votes
A couple of years back on a number of instances when I found new suggestions on old profiles that had not previously been added to the current weekly report, Ales replied that some suggestions had so many possible to be reported that the the number being reported was kept to a manageable level.

As the report is run fresh each week it is possible for a suggestion appear this week and not the next even if it were not corrected. I have seen such a skip of months and in one case a year.
by Walt Steesy G2G6 Mach 5 (59.0k points)
That is not correct. The condition is never dependant on the numger of suggestions.

But I will probably change the condition at some point in the future as we will run out of certain suggestions.

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