Looking for assistance finding a birth or marriage record (RI/CT)

+4 votes
I am helping a friend with a brick wall in genealogy. This individual, Edmond Valmore Gladu, was born either May 1, 1881 or 1882, either born in "Canada Eng" (an English province of Canada) as stated in the 1900 census, or in West Rock, Rhode Island (part of Westerly). However after looking at the Rhode Island birth record archives, I cannot find such a record . (See https://sosri.access.preservica.com/uncategorized/SO_c17e27d1-0ec5-454d-974f-a2caf61bcb8c/)

I have also not been able to find any documentation indicating his parentage. Advice ?  I consider it a brick wall because there is no documentation citing the frequently cited parents as his parents.
WikiTree profile: Edmond Gladu
in Genealogy Help by Lauren Millerd G2G6 Mach 2 (27.8k points)
His death certificate should list his parents and place of birth, unless the informant didn't know them. Call the town clerk's office in Plainfield, CT. It costs about $20 to get a copy.

1 Answer

+6 votes
I suspect the 1900 Census is erroneous stating that the children were born in Canada. Frequently, the enumerator did not ask, possibly assuming, that the children were born in Canada, same as both parents.  

In 1910, mother is not there and only the father is, but that states Edmond was born in Rhode Island and both the older and younger siblings were born in Connecticut.  The Social Security Application that is on Ancestry has the same birth date but has Rhode Island for birth location, so you only have one source, the 1900 census, that has a different location for all the children.  The rest of the census show the siblings born in Connecticut and he is born in Rhode Island.
by Linda Peterson G2G6 Pilot (876k points)
His World War II Draft Registration Card, which he would have filled in, has White Rock, Rhode Island.

I added that Ancestry source at end of sources on his profile.

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