Introducing the Lupini One Name Study

+3 votes

In honor of my late Grandfather's birthday, I wanted to introduce the LUPIINI One Name Study. 

My grandfather was born in a small mountain town in central Italy, called Pascelupo (part of Scheggia e Pascelupo). His father travelled between Italy and the USA for years, working as a miner in Michigan.  Eventually he brought his wife and first son over, had a few kids, but eventually decided to return to Italy.  Where they had a few more kids, my grandfather being the youngest.

Growing up, it was always said that "if you find a Lupini, we're related!"  So, if you're a Lupini, let's connect.  Let's find out how we're related!  :)

The study page is in it's infancy, so please be patient as I get it set up, formatted, etc.  

Thanks! <3

WikiTree profile: Space:Lupini_Name_Study
in The Tree House by Caroline Verworn G2G6 Mach 9 (95.8k points)

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