Advice for categorization of Szczepecki-4?

+7 votes

I would like advice or may need help creating a new category for the profile of Ludwik Szczepecki. The category for his birthplace might be named something like gmina Boniewo, or more specifically the village, Osiecz Wielki. (I have a number of family members in nearby villages and I would like to be able to see them all in one place, if possible.) Also, I would like one for his marriage place, Kruszwica. (Also, his brother-in-law was born in Osiecz Maly, so I need that village as well; and nearby Smolniki, and Dęby Szlacheckie. though those are in Wielkopolskie.) Could I get help creating the new categories? Or is there an existing category to use? Thank you! EDIT: Adding these locations: PłowceStarygród, Kowalew, Rzadkwin, and Bieganowo.

WikiTree profile: Ludwig Szczepecki
in Policy and Style by Deb Gunther G2G6 Mach 2 (25.0k points)
edited by Deb Gunther

6 Answers

+8 votes
Best answer

Hello Deb!  I will create those village categories for you this weekend.


Poland Project

You can locate categories one of two ways:

First is through the widget in edit mode.  Please note that widgets do not soundex Polish characters, and there are many villages that begin with or have ł, ś, ż, etc.  If you do not know how to type these letters on your keyboard, look for them via the main Poland category page: Category: Poland

Note that when they are created, there may be up to three category "mirrors": in English, Polish and the historical category in German.  You only will need to add ONE of these in order for them to appear across all three categories.  Each category explains the text that you copy/paste and place in the profile above the ==Biography== header.  (You won't see the mirror until a few days after they have been created.)






by Skye Sonczalla G2G6 Pilot (130k points)
selected by Maggie N.
+7 votes

There are two villages named Smolniki in Wielkopolski.  One in Konin Powiat and the other Ostrzeszow Powiat.  Please advise which one.

by Skye Sonczalla G2G6 Pilot (130k points)

I see you've already helped me a bit on this profile at [[Olkiewicz-6|Andrzej Olkiewicz (1840-)]], the village is Smolniki, Kolo, Wielkopolskie, Poland (parish of Dęby Szlacheckie).

Ok, I see that Smolniki was in Kolo county until 1998, and then was added to Konin county.

+6 votes

Double check Starygród:  is this correct?

Since you are working out of Kujawsko-Pomorskie primarily is it this?

by Skye Sonczalla G2G6 Pilot (130k points)

Yes, all of these villages are in a fairly small radius near each other. They are listed on the father's profile at [[Szczepecki-1|Wawrzyn Szczepecki (abt.1845-aft.1908)]]. Tomasz Boron helped me with the place names, so in this case it was Starygród, gmina Kobylin, powiat krotoszyński, woj. wielkopolskie, Polska.

+6 votes

There are many Kowalew, check which one from this list:

by Skye Sonczalla G2G6 Pilot (130k points)

It's Kowalew, gmina Pleszew, powiat pleszewski, woj. wielkopolskie, Polska.

+5 votes
Deb, double check they have all been created.  If you need more, let me know.  To help me next time, please link me to a profile because when I create categories I begin at a profile level.

I linked you the Polish categories because that is usually preferred language people like to use to categorize, however the information in the categories is in Polish.  If you wait a couple days, you will see the mirror and read the English instructions.

Like I mentioned before, you can add the category from the English side or the category from the Polish side and they will still appear across both categories. :)
by Skye Sonczalla G2G6 Pilot (130k points)
Skye, as far as I can see Osiecz Wielki is in the region that was only briefly a part of Prussia (1793-1817). Then it  became a part of Congress Poland in the Russian Empire.
It all looks wonderful. Thank you SO much for your help! Deb
You're very welcome!  Happy genealogy hunting!

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