POW categories for country of origin not place of emprisonment

+5 votes

I'm adding categories for my relative who was a British POW in Germany.

Based on the people already in the category and the Germany one, it looks like the right category is [[Category:Prisoners of War, United Kingdom, World War I]] which seems odd to me.

Yes, he was from the United Kingdom, but there are other tags to show he is British in origin, and serving in British regiments etc.  What is relevant (to me anyway) is that he was in a German POW camp, not a Turkish one for example.  

Shouldn't it be the other way around and be the Germany one?  Or at least be titled "British" or "German" / ""Deutsch to indicate it's the nationality not country when selecting them?

If it was categorised that the other way it would make it easier to add subcats for which camps they were at.  I wanted to create some for each of the camps he was at but I can't think of a reasonable place to put them - should I just add them as spaces?

Hope it's ok to raise this, but it wasn't very obvious and confused me.

Best wishes,
WikiTree profile: Charles Burnand
in Policy and Style by Abigail Axton G2G6 (6.3k points)
It is country served, not place of imprisonment or death, as was decided by the Roll of Honor project years ago. :-)

Camps have their own categories, but I don't know if any exist for WWI. (I will check). I know we have a bunch of WWII POW camp categories.

Update: the categories.
Thanks for your assistance Natalie!

1 Answer

+7 votes
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I agree that https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Category:Prisoners_of_War,_United_Kingdom,_World_War_I would be the right category. Although it seems a bit confusing, I think it might be even more confusing if it was inconsistent with the other military categories, such as those under https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Category:Killed_in_Action,_United_Kingdom or https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Category:Wounded_in_Action,_United_Kingdom. (Those can also cause confusion - see https://www.wikitree.com/g2g/1538458/a-note-about-using-roll-of-honor-categories)

I think if you have both that category and the ones for the camps he was in, that should make it clear he was a British POW in German camps. I think the place to put the sub-categories for the camps is under https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Category:Prisoner_of_War_Camps,_World_War_I, but it looks like you will need to do most of the work creating them as there is only one there at the moment. 

by Paul Masini G2G6 Pilot (463k points)
selected by Abigail Axton

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