Jeanne Renard or Lecointe came here as a Fille du Roy in 1671 or so. There appears to be a confusion on what her father was named, or even who he was. On her first marriage contract (canceled), the notary wrote her name as Jeanne (Regnard crossed out) Le Cointe. She signs it and her later marriage contract Janne Le Cointe. On the marriage contracts, her father is listed as the late Jacob Le Cointe. On the actual marriage record, her father gets listed as Estienne Renard. Religious acts name her Renard, any other record names her Lecointe (read Lecomte on censuses, appears to be an error). 1681 census is the only document giving her an age, which was listed as 34, so birth around 1647. Jacob Lecointe and Marie Louvet only married in 1654 (see Marie's profile for link to actual marriage record).
Bernard Landry has this to say about her:
née vers 1642 (avant le mariage de ses parents, daté du 9 août 1654); admise à l'hôpital Général de Rouen en mars 1652, alors dite âgée de 10 ans. Déclarée être 'en Canada le 8 juin 1671'
Which further complicates the issue. I have tried to find hospital register for Rouen's general hospital, the only thing I find online are adoptions or suchlike. No records of admission as a patient. Landry mostly doesn't specify his sources in 2013 edition of his work, which is the copy I have. (due to having cited them in earlier version?).
I am brought to believe that she may have been the daughter of an Estienne Renard (or Regnard), and when her mother married Jacob Lecointe, she took his name, whether through formal adoption or not is unknown.
Any ideas? She comes from Rouen, which has lots of records available online.