The other James Pattullo

+11 votes
WikiTree profile: James Pattullo
in The Tree House by Greg Slade G2G6 Pilot (772k points)

3 Answers

+10 votes
by S Stevenson G2G6 Pilot (282k points)

created profile for James

Wonderful! Thank you!

+8 votes
Thanks to both of you Greg and S Stevenson, a portion of the Pattullo family is part of my Alton Cemetery project that I haven't finished researching yet.

The Ontario Pattullo families include the first immigrants the original Alton, Caledon branch, the Dufferin County branch and the Oxford county branch, these families are connected to each other and to the branch that moved to the west coast and Vancouver area.

I hope to have all the profiles for the various branches completed  and connected in the not too distant future.
by M Ross G2G6 Pilot (965k points)
As soon as I saw Alton in the article I knew you would have profiles for this family.

also picked up an unconnected end-user branch and a WWI KIA profile

I haven't got all the Canadian branches sorted out yet, but i have found them back to the early 1700s in Scotland.
+6 votes

Huh. The mention of Mary Pattullo becoming a missionary and going to Bolivia near the end of that blog entry rang a bell for me, since Bolivia is one of the countries where my church's denominational mission board has traditionally worked. Then, today, I was working through my grandfather's history of my home church (First Baptist Church, Vancouver) today, trying to build a list of pastors to try to find or create profiles for, and there's Mary's name on page 37. So I added a profile for her. Small world.

by Greg Slade G2G6 Pilot (772k points)

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