52 weeks of US Black Heritage Notables--Week 10 "Translation"

+9 votes

Following Amy Johnson Crow's 52 Weeks of Ancestors themes, the US Black Heritage Project will be featuring and working on two of our notables each week who fit that theme.

John Morton Finney (cc7=9) was an American civil rights activist, lawyer, and educator who earned eleven academic degrees. He was fluent in French, Latin, Greek, and Spanish, and conversant in German and Portuguese, so if anyone could handle a translation, it would be John!

(We're hoping to find a copyright free photo of John)

Lorenzo Dow Turner  (cc7=279) was a linguist who researched the Gullah language of the Low Country of coastal South Carolina and Georgia. He was head of the English departments at Howard University and Fisk University and created the African Studies curriculum at Fisk.

During this week you can help us with any of the following?

  • Connect John Morton Finney to the Tree. Every profile helps!
  • Find a copyright free photo for John or ask an organization who has a photo if we can repost it on his profile. 
  • John needs an expanded biography.
  • Add additional categories and stickers that might apply to both profiles.
  • Make sure all the attached family for both who should have the {{African-American Sticker}} have it on their profiles.
in The Tree House by Emma MacBeath G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
I sent a photo request to Blackpast.org for John Morton Finney. It's a fair use photo but thought I'd check anyway: https://www.blackpast.org/african-american-history/john-morton-finney-1889-1998/

Here’s a picture from Indiana Historical Society. Says may be used for study or research purposes. 


I think our best bet is to send an email to Indiana HS to ask permission to use that photo. They have an email address there for that purpose. Unfortunately, since WT is a for-profit website, we don't technically fall under research or educational use.

1 Answer

+6 votes
Dear Emma,

    I have added some family members for John Morton Finney.   No attachment to The Big Tree yet, though.  I will look for more relatives later today. -NGP
by Nanette Pezzutti G2G6 Pilot (150k points)
Thank you, Nanette! Every profile added helps us get closer.

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