Hello! I would be very grateful for any assistance you all can provide with the translation or transcription of this Fraktur, please. I have some words from both the main passage and the ancillary text, but not enough to draw any definitive content conclusions. Thanks!!
Hey Kathryn, the middle part is the only with any geneological relevance. It says: Dieses Testament samt Psalter und Zeugnuß gehört der Ehrsamen Jungfer Anna Catharina Kettleryn an der wieß in der Gemeinde Wattweyl. Anno 1788. Translation: This Bible including the book of psalms and testimony belongs to the honorable maiden Anna Catharina Kettler near the meadow in the village Wattweyl. In the year 1788. ‐--------- The translation is done under the assumption that this is actually a bible. If it is from switzerland then the location in question might be "Wattwil". The Text in the flowers are some holy poems about that you always shoul think of god and he will help you then. I will only translate it if you realy need it.